All commands can be run by typing it in the chat or privately messaging JJMumbleBot.
!addinit: Add init for a user !addinit 4 11 Malta will add Malta with 4d6+11
!delinit: Remove init for a user !delinit Malta will remove Malta from the list
!listinit: List all inits in the init DB
!listinitpools: List all init pools in the init DB
!rollinit: Rolls the inits for all of the users, and outputs it
!initpass: Subtracts 10 from all inits, minimum 0
!interrupt: Subtracts an amount from a single user's init, wont work if you try to subtract more init from the character than they have !interupt 7 Malta will subtract 7 init from Malta
!clearinit: Deletes all of the initiatives
!srun: Roll a bunch of dice, count successes and ones !srun 12 will roll a pool of 12 dice
!preedge: Roll a pool with exploding 6s, counts successes, ones, and explosions !preedge 12 will roll a poll of 12 dice
!assensing: Prints the Shadowrun assensing table
!concealability: Prints the Shadowrun concealability modifiers table
!perception_mods: Prints the Shadowrun perception modifiers table
!delivery: Prints the Shadowrun delivery times table
!environmental: Prints the Shadowrun environmental modifiers table