#!/bin/bash #Should be configurable for users without a local piglatin service # set a default hostname HOST=localhost # set a default port PORT=8124 # if the .piglatinrc file exists, use this instead of the default if [ -f ~/.piglatinrc ]; then source ~/.piglatinrc fi # Since the container will only do one word at a time, parse the words out for PIG in $@ do if [ ${PIG:0:2} = "yt" -o ${PIG:0:2} = "xr" ] then export DEMANGLE="${PIG:0:2}" PIG=`echo $PIG| sed -e "s/^yt/e/" -e "s/^xr/e/"` fi #this is the easiest way to get the correct line from the container WORD=`printf "GET /$PIG HTTP/1.1\n\nclose\n\n"|nc $HOST $PORT|dos2unix|tail -n3|head -n1|sed "s/way$/ay/"` RETURN=0 if [ "${WORD:0:1}" = "u" ] then if [ "${WORD: -3}" = "qay" ] then echo $WORD | sed -e "s/qay/quay/" -e "s/^u//" RETURN=1 fi fi if [ $RETURN = 0 ] then if [ -n "$DEMANGLE" ] then WORD=`echo $WORD | sed -e "s/^./$DEMANGLE/"` fi echo $WORD fi # the container only has one worker so treat it slowly sleep 1 # merge script output done | tr "\n" " "|sed "s/ $//" echo