Media Plugin

This is a built-in extension plugin that follows the plugin template system.
This plugin allows users to search for youtube songs and play it in the channel.
It has a built in queuing system so it can play multiple songs in order.


!ytsearch 'search_term': Searches youtube for a song/video.
!ytplaylist 'playlist_url': Adds the given youtube playlist to the queue.
!ytplay 'item_number' 'item_count'(optional): Plays the selected song from youtube.
!link 'link_url': Adds the given youtube/soundcloud link to the queue.
!linkfront 'link_url': Priority inserts the given link to the front of the queue.

Quick Start:

Option 1: Search youtube and choose a video

Use the !ytsearch command to search youtube for a video:
!ytsearch video_name: searches youtube for the video provided.
Choose one of the selections prompted with the !p command:
!ytplay 5: plays the 5th video in the selection prompt.

Option 2: Provide a direct youtube/soundcloud link

Use the !link command to add a track to the queue:
!link direct_link: adds youtube or soundcloud tracks to the queue.

Option 3: Provide a youtube playlist

Use the !ytplaylist command to add an entire playlist to the queue:
!ytplaylist playlist_link: adds youtube playlist to the queue.

Note: Playlists must be unlisted or public. Private playlists are not allowed.

Encountering errors?

Plugin Metadata

    [Plugin Information]
    PluginVersion = 5.0.0
    PluginName = Media
    PluginDescription = The Media plugin plays Youtube tracks/playlists and SoundClip tracks.
    PluginLanguage = EN
    PluginCommands: [

    [Plugin Settings]
    ; Max number of search results to be shown by the !ytsearch command.
    MaxSearchLength = 10
    ; Max video length allowed by direct links to audio queues.
    MaxVideoLength = 7000
    ; The maximum videos allowed per playlist. If AllowPlaylistMax is enabled, larger playlists will truncate to this limit.
    MaxPlaylistLength = 50
    ; Allows you to play playlists up to the video limit (instead of rejecting the playlist completely)
    AllowPlaylistMax = True
    ; List commands that need the core thread to wait for completion.
    ; This may include processes that require multiple commands in succession.
    ; For example: [Youtube Plugin - !ytsearch -> !ytplay] process requires 2 commands in that order.
    ThreadWaitForCommands: ["ytsearch", "ytplay"]
    UseSingleThread = False

    [Plugin Type]
    ControllablePlugin = True
    AudioPlugin = True
    ImagePlugin = False
    CorePlugin = False
    ExtensionPlugin = True