Setting up your Config.ini File

Manual Method

  1. Copy the config_template.ini file from your JJMumbleBot/cfg/templates/ directory to your JJMumbleBot/cfg folder.
  2. Follow the instructions in the individual sections of the config below to setup your own config.ini file.
  3. Note: Don't use quotations in any text elements in the config.ini file
    Note: Use absolute paths for all directories/paths in the config.ini file

Web Interface Method

  1. Visit this link: Quick Setup Utility - Web Interface for Config.ini File Creation
  2. Fill in all the required fields, and click the "Download Config.ini File" button to generate the config.ini file for the bot.
  3. Place the config.ini file in your JJMumbleBot/cfg folder.

[Connection Settings] (REQUIRED)

            [Connection Settings]
            UserID = USERNAME
            UserCertification = CERT_FILE_PATH
            AutoReconnect = False
            DefaultChannel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME
            DefaultSuperUser = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_NAME
            SelfRegister = False
            DefaultComment = Hello! I am JJMumbleBot!

[Media Settings] (REQUIRED)

            [Media Settings]
            FfmpegPath = ffmpeg
            VlcPath = vlc
            UseStereoAudio = True
            AudioLibraryRunQuiet = True
            DefaultVolume = 0.3
            AudioDuck = False
            DuckingVolume = 0.05
            DuckingThreshold = 2500.0
            DuckingDelay = 1.0
            MaxQueueLength = 50
            YoutubeDLProxyURL =
            YoutubeDLCookieFile =
            TemporaryMediaDirectory = TEMP_MEDIA_DIR_PATH
            PermanentMediaDirectory = PERM_MEDIA_DIR_PATH

[Logging] (REQUIRED)

            EnableLogging = False
            MaxLogs = 20
            MaxLogSize = 1500000
            HideMessageLogging = True
            LogDirectory =
            LogStackTrace = False

[Plugin Settings] (OPTIONAL)

            [Plugin Settings]
            DisabledPlugins = []
            SafeModePlugins = ["core_commands", "bot_commands"]
            AllowedRootChannelsForTempChannels = ["Root"]

[Main Settings] (OPTIONAL)

            [Main Settings]
            EnableDatabaseBackup = False
            CommandTickRate = 0.1
            MultiCommandLimit = 200
            CommandQueueLimit = 600
            CommandToken = !
            CommandHistoryLimit = 25

[PGUI Settings] (OPTIONAL)


            [PGUI Settings]
            CanvasBGColor = black
            CanvasImageBGColor = black
            CanvasAlignment = center
            CanvasBorder = 0
            CanvasTextColor = Snow
            DefaultFont = Georgia
            HeaderTextColor = red
            IndexTextColor = cyan
            SubHeaderTextColor = yellow