The World's First File Inflator
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
silverwizard 642babc2e1 Fixed strlcpy issue I didn't notice before 5 年前
.gitignore added .gitignore 11 年前
.travis.yml Spacing 6 年前
COPYING added the software license 11 年前
Makefile install rule 6 年前
Project Goals Fix spelling in filename 6 年前 Fix typo 6 年前
dpu.c Made DPU accept -c in order to output to stdout 5 年前
undpu.c Fixed strlcpy issue I didn't notice before 5 年前


The Worlds First File Inflater

To build: make

OR if you want to install it you can run: make install

My further work will to be to properly use getopt (like not a chump), and also to create a proper usage()

Right now, just use: dpu [decompression size] filename

The decompression size is an optional argument, and when used it will multiply the filesize by that. The default amount is 10 (making a file 10 times bigger).

The output of the program will the filename.dpu