Make cards from YAML
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
silverwizard 94b56a256b Added motorcycles 4 年前
Backgrounds Slight card modifications, added background image extension 4 年前 Slight card modifications, added background image extension 4 年前
LICENSE Initial commit 4 年前 Slight readme update 4 年前
shopping.yml Added motorcycles 4 年前


Make cards from YAML

Example YAML is shopping.yml

Example Card is:

Example Rifle Card


The YAML file is a Deck object containing a series of sub items, the text of those subitems will become the descriptions of the cards, and the name of the subitems becomes the titles of the cards (obviously, see the example).

Placing png files in the Backgrounds directory with their file name set to the card's title, (so, a card called Sword's background file is Sword.png), will make that png file centered in the middle of the card (allowing card art).