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package HexGrid::Tile;
use v5.30;
use Moo;
use MooX::Aliases;
use Carp;
use HexGrid::Pin;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
has nw => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has sw => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has style => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has colour => (is => 'rw', alias => 'color');
has opacity => (is => 'rw');
has images => (is => 'rw', alias => [qw(image background backgrounds)]);
has show_coords => (is => 'rw');
has coords_colour => (is => 'rw', default => 'white');
has css_class => (is => 'rw');
has id_suffix => (is => 'rw', default => '_tile');
my %docks = #values are fractions of the height/width
sw => { order => 1, x => 0, y => 0.5, w => 0.5, h => 0.5 },
se => { order => 2, x => 0.5, y => 0.5, w => 0.5, h => 0.5 },
n => { order => 3, x => 0.25, y => 0, w => 0.5, h => 0.5 },
# By default makes all pin docks exist but unfilled
has pins => (is => 'rw', default => sub { +{ map {$_ => undef} keys %docks } });
# Class
# Convenience factory method
sub at($nw,$sw,@rest)
return HexGrid::Tile->new(nw => $nw, sw => $sw, @rest);
# Returns the sequence of points making up an equilateral hexagon inscribed in a $w x $h rectangle
sub hex_path($w, $h)
# More readable for me at least as a sequence of points than as two sequences
my @points = ([0, $h/2], [$w*1/4, 0], [$w*3/4, 0], [$w, $h/2], [$w*3/4, $h], [$w*1/4, $h]);
# Join pairs with a comma, and sequence with spaces
return join " ", (map {join ",", @$_} @points);
# Instance
sub pin($this, $pin, $dock = undef)
if(ref $pin eq 'HexGrid::Pin')
$this->_do_pin($pin, $dock);
elsif(ref $pin eq 'ARRAY')
map $this->_do_pin($_), @$pin;
elsif(ref $pin eq 'HASH')
foreach my $dock (keys %$pin)
(carp("dock $dock doesn't exist") && return) unless grep { $_ eq $dock } keys %docks;
$this->{pins}{$dock} = $pin->{$dock};
carp ("bad pin type") && return;
sub _do_pin($this, $pin, $dock = undef)
(carp("bad dock") && return) unless $dock =~ /^sw|se|n$/i;
$this->{pins}{$dock} = $pin;
# If no dock was specified, find the first available according to the order above
my $success = 0;
DOCK: foreach my $dock (sort { $docks{$a}->{order} <=> $docks{$b}->{order} } (keys %docks))
unless(defined $this->{pins}{$dock})
$this->{pins}{$dock} = $pin;
$success = 1;
last DOCK;
(carp("no free dock") && return) unless $success;
sub render($this, $container, $width, $height, $layers)
my $g = $container->g
id => HexGrid::to_id("$this->{nw}_$this->{sw}$this->{id_suffix}"),
my $hex = $g->polygon(points => hex_path($width, $height),
id => "$this->{nw}_$this->{sw}_inner_hex", style => $this->style);
# Have tile contents clip to the hexagon
my $clip_path = $g->clipPath(id => "$this->{nw}_$this->{sw}_clip");
$clip_path->use(href => "#$hex->{id}");
$hex->{fill} = $this->{colour};
# This allows for the image/images property to be single- or multi-valued
$this->{images} = [$this->{images}] if ref($this->{images}) ne 'ARRAY';
foreach my $image (@{$this->{images}})
# The actual image is defined at the HexGrid level, here we reference it
my $use_element = $g->use(id => "$this->{nw}_$this->{sw}_${image}_use",
href => "#${image}_symbol", width => $width, height => $height,
"clip-path" => "url(#$clip_path->{id})");
if(defined($this->{opacity})) { $hex->{'fill-opacity'} = $this->{opacity}; }
#TODO: Should probably parametrize these numbers, particularly font-size
my $text = $g->text(x => "@{[0.1 * $width]}", y => "@{[0.6 * $height]}", class => 'coords');
$text->{'font-size'} = '3em';
$text->{fill} = $this->{coords_colour};
if(defined $this->{css_class}) { $g->{class} = $this->{css_class} }
if(defined $this->{pins})
foreach my $key (keys $this->{pins}->%*)
next unless defined $this->{pins}{$key};
my $x = $width * $docks{$key}->{x};
my $w = $width * $docks{$key}->{w};
my $y = $height * $docks{$key}->{y};
my $h = $height * $docks{$key}->{h};
push @{$layers->{pins}},
sub { $this->{pins}{$key}->render($g, $x, $y, $w, $h, $clip_path, $layers); };
return $g;