Compare commits


6 Commits

  1. 75
  2. 30
  3. 7
  4. 21
  5. 4
  6. 120

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
my $DEBUG = 0;
has regions => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has images => (is => 'rw', default => sub{ {} });
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ has defaults => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has make_popups => (is => 'rw', default => 1, alias => 'popups');
has popup_class => (is => 'rw', default => 'pin-popup');
has hidden_popups => (is => 'rw', default => 1, alias => 'popups_are_hidden');
has embed_images => (is => 'rw', default => 1);
sub tile_width($this) { 2 * $this->{sideLength} }
sub tile_height($this) { sqrt(3) * $this->{sideLength} }
@ -48,7 +51,8 @@ sub add_image($this, $name, $source)
source => $source,
id => "${name}_img",
width => 1,
height => 1
height => 1,
fetch => $this->embed_images
@ -60,6 +64,74 @@ sub get_tile_at($this, $nw, $sw)
croak "No tile at $nw,$sw";
sub get_tile_and_region_at($this, $nw, $sw)
foreach my $region (values $this->{regions}->%*)
return ($region->{tiles}{$nw}{$sw}, $region) if exists $region->{tiles}{$nw}{$sw};
croak "No tile at $nw,$sw";
# Clones settings
# Regions (and by extension tiles) are tied to $this
# Images are not imported
sub subgrid_for_regions($this, @region_names)
my $subgrid = HexGrid->new
sideLength => $this->{sideLength},
width => $this->{width},
height => $this->{height},
defaults => merge($this->{defaults}, {}),
make_popups => $this->{make_popups},
popup_class => $this->{popup_class},
hidden_popups => $this->{hidden_popups},
embed_images => $this->{embed_images}
$subgrid->add_region($this->{regions}{$_}) for @region_names;
say STDERR Dumper($subgrid) if $DEBUG;
return $subgrid;
sub subgrid_for_tiles($this, @coords_list)
my $subgrid = HexGrid->new
sideLength => $this->{sideLength},
width => $this->{width},
height => $this->{height},
defaults => $this->{defaults},
make_popups => $this->{make_popups},
popup_class => $this->{popup_class},
hidden_popups => $this->{hidden_popups},
embed_images => $this->{embed_images}
foreach my $coords (@coords_list)
my ($tile, $region) = $this->get_tile_and_region_at($coords->{nw}, $coords->{sw});
unless(exists $subgrid->{regions}{$region->{name}})
my $clone = $region->clone;
return $subgrid;
sub iter_region($this, $code)
foreach my $region (values %{$this->{regions}})
sub iter_tile($this, $code)
$this->iter_region(sub($region) { $region->iter_tile($code) });
sub render($this)
@ -116,4 +188,5 @@ sub translate_coords($this, $nw, $sw)
sub to_id($string) { $string =~ s/\W/-/g && return $string; }
sub DEBUG { $DEBUG = 1; }

@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ use v5.30;
use Moo;
use MooX::Aliases;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
my $DEBUG = 0;
has source => (is => 'rw', required => 1, alias => [qw(src url source_url)]);
has fetch => (is => 'rw', default => 0);
@ -15,13 +20,34 @@ has id => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has width => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has height => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has _cached_data => (is => 'rw', default => undef);
sub render($this, $container)
# hard coded into external URL mode
my $image_element = $container->image(id => $this->{id}, href => $this->{source});
say STDERR $this->{_cached_data} if $DEBUG;
my $image_element = $container->image(id => $this->{id});
my $href = $this->{source};
if ($this->{fetch})
$this->_fetch_base64 unless defined($this->{_cached_data});
$href = $this->{_cached_data};
$image_element->{href} = $href;
$image_element->{width} = $this->{width} if defined($this->{width});
$image_element->{height} = $this->{height} if defined($this->{height});
return $image_element;
sub _fetch_base64($this)
$USER_AGENT // ($USER_AGENT = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10));
say STDERR "Fetching $this->{source}";
my $response = $USER_AGENT->get($this->{source});
my $content_type = $response->headers->content_type;
my $encoded_content = encode_base64($response->content);
$this->{_cached_data} = "data:$content_type;base64, $encoded_content";
return $this->{_cached_data};
sub DEBUG { $DEBUG = 1; }

@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ has popup_class => (is => 'rw', default => 'pin-popup');
sub render($this, $pin_container, $x, $y, $w, $h, $laters = undef)
my $element = $pin_container->image(href => $this->{icon},
my $group = $pin_container->g();
my $element = $group->use(href => "#$this->{icon}_symbol",
x => $x, y => $y, width => $w, height => $h);
$element->{id} = "$this->{id}-img";
$element->{id} = "$this->{id}-use";
$element->{onclick} = "clickPin('$this->{id}', '$pin_container->{id}');";
my $center_x = $x + $w/2;
my $center_y = $y + $h/2;
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ sub render($this, $pin_container, $x, $y, $w, $h, $laters = undef)
push @$laters, sub ($popup_container) { $this->render_popup($popup_container,
$pin_container->{transform}, $center_x, $center_y); };
return $element;
return $group;
sub render_popup($this, $popup_container, $transform, $x_shift, $y_shift)

@ -17,6 +17,16 @@ has name => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has defaults => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has id_suffix => (is => 'rw', default => '_region');
sub clone($this)
return HexGrid::Region->new
name => $this->{name},
defaults => merge($this->{defaults},{}),
id_suffix => $this->{id_suffix}
sub add_tile($this, $tile) { $this->{tiles}{$tile->{nw}}{$tile->{sw}} = $tile; }
sub make_tile_at($this, $nw, $sw, %tile_settings)
@ -32,6 +42,17 @@ sub make_subregion($this, $name, %defaults)
$this->add_subregion(HexGrid::Region->new(name => $name, defaults => $tile_defaults));
sub iter_tile($this, $code)
foreach my $nw (keys %{$this->{tiles}})
foreach my $sw (keys %{$this->{tiles}{$nw}})
sub render($this, $svg, $laters, $grid)
my ($min_x,$min_y,$max_x,$max_y) = qw(Inf Inf -Inf -Inf);

@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ sub render($this, $container, $width, $height, $laters = undef)
my $y = $height * $docks{$key}->{y};
my $h = $height * $docks{$key}->{h};
my $image_element = $this->{pins}{$key}->render($g, $x, $y, $w, $h, $laters);
$image_element->{"clip-path"} = "url(#$clipPath->{id})";
my $pin_element = $this->{pins}{$key}->render($g, $x, $y, $w, $h, $laters);
$pin_element->{"clip-path"} = "url(#$clipPath->{id})";
return $g;

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
# The below regex is a whitespace forgiving version of /^(-?\d+),(-?\d+)/, an int pair
# This regex is a whitespace forgiving version of /^(-?\d+),(-?\d+)/, an int pair
my $coords_regex = qr/^\s*(-?\s*\d+)\s*,\s*(-?\s*\d+)\s*$/;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ my $site_template_name = "MapSite";
my $border_width = 1;
my $border_colour = 'black';
my $show_coords = 0;
my $embed_images = 1;
my $html_document = 1;
my $outfile = '-';
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ GetOptions
'border-width|bw=f' => \$border_width,
'border-colour|border-color|bc=s' => \$border_colour,
'show-coords|coords!' => \$show_coords,
'embed-images!' => \$embed_images,
'html-document!' => \$html_document,
'outfile=s' => \$outfile,
@ -51,10 +53,15 @@ GetOptions
$api_url // croak "Base API URL is required! Use --api-url to set";
my $grid = HexGrid->new(defaults => {
my $grid = HexGrid->new(embed_images => $embed_images, defaults => {
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords });
my %region_grids;
show_coords => $show_coords});
# my %region_grids;
my %regions_by_subregion;
my %images_for_region_grids;
my %location_grids;
my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new();
$mw->{config}->{api_url} = $api_url;
@ -83,17 +90,7 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$region_query_results->{query}{pages}})
$region->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
$region_grids{$page->{title}} = HexGrid->new
defaults =>
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords
height => 300,
width => 300
$regions_by_subregion{$region->{name}} = $region->{name};
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
@ -125,7 +122,7 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$subregion_query_results->{query}{pages}})
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0];
$regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}} = $region_name;
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
@ -152,45 +149,48 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$location_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $page->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($page->{revisions}[0]{'*'}, $location_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
say STDERR "Processing location: $page->{title}";
my $location = $grid->make_region($page->{title});
$location->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
push @{$background_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{background}"}}, $location;
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
$regions_by_subregion{$location->{name}} = $region_name;
push @location_continuations, sub
return unless $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0] =~ $coords_regex;
my ($nw, $sw) = ($1, $2);
$location->make_tile_at($nw, $sw);
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
$region_grids{$location->{name}} = HexGrid->new
defaults =>
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords
height => 300,
width => 300
my $location_with_context = $region_grids{$location->{name}}->make_region($location->{name});
$location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw));
my @coords_list = ({ nw => $nw, sw => $sw});
foreach my $coords (split /;/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{context_tiles})
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
$location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($1, $2));
# $location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($1, $2));
push @coords_list, { nw => $1, sw => $2 };
my $location_grid = $grid->subgrid_for_tiles(@coords_list);
# if haven't added image to grid yet, do so
if($tile->image && !(exists $location_grid->{images}{$tile->image}))
$location_grid->{images}{$tile->image} = $grid->{images}{$tile->image};
$location_grids{$location->{name}} = $location_grid;
# HexGrid::Image::DEBUG();
say STDERR "Getting Background image pages";
my $background_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
prop => 'imageinfo',
@ -198,19 +198,34 @@ my $background_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
# say STDERR Dumper(\%background_pages);
foreach my $page (values %{$background_query_results->{query}{pages}})
say STDERR "Processing image: $page->{title}";
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}), $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url});
foreach my $region (@{$background_pages{$page->{title}}})
foreach my $subregion (@{$background_pages{$page->{title}}})
$region->{defaults}{image} = HexGrid::to_id($page->{title});
$subregion->{defaults}{image} = HexGrid::to_id($page->{title});
my $region_name = $regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}};
# say STDERR $page->{title} unless $region_name;
# say STDERR "$region_name";
push @{$images_for_region_grids{$region_name}},
name => HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}),
source => $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url}
# say STDERR Dumper($grid->{images});
# say STDERR Dumper(\%images_for_region_grids);
say STDERR "Getting Tile pages";
@ -273,12 +288,13 @@ foreach my $site_page_ref (values %{$site_query_results->{query}{pages}})
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
my %image_pages = %{$imageinfo_query_results->{query}{pages}};
my $image_url = (values %image_pages)[0]{imageinfo}[0]{url};
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}), $image_url);
my $pin = HexGrid::Pin->new
name => $site_name,
id => "${site_name}_pin",
icon => $image_url,
id => HexGrid::to_id($site_name),
icon => HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}),
link => $site_url,
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract}
@ -294,15 +310,41 @@ if($regiondir)
chdir $regiondir || croak "Couldn't chdir to $regiondir: $!";
my $extension = $html_document ? 'html' : 'svg';
while(my ($region, $region_grid) = each %region_grids)
my %region_grid_listings;
while(my ($subregion, $region) = each %regions_by_subregion)
push @{$region_grid_listings{$region}}, $subregion;
while(my ($region, $subregions) = each %region_grid_listings)
my $region_grid = $grid->subgrid_for_regions(@$subregions);
# say STDERR Dumper($images_for_region_grids{$region});
if(exists $images_for_region_grids{$region})
foreach my $image (@{$images_for_region_grids{$region}})
# say STDERR Dumper($image);
$region_grid->{images}{$image->{name}} = $grid->{images}{$image->{name}};
# $region_grid->add_image($image->{name}, $image->{source});
open (my $region_fh, "> $region.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $region.extension for writing: $!";
say $region_fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($region_grid) : $region_grid->render);
close $region_fh;
# Location grids need to import images
while(my ($location_name, $location_grid) = each %location_grids)
open (my $location_fh, "> $location_name.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $location_name.extension for writing: $!";
say $location_fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($location_grid) : $location_grid->render);
close $location_fh;
sub wrap_in_html($grid)
my $html_builder = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
