Introduce Path splintering

Primarily for use splintering parent Grid Paths onto Subgrids.
Only the sections of the Path present in the Subgrid get included.
parent b832bf9d00
commit 4681cb9010
  1. 19
  2. 99
  3. 136

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ sub make_path_from($this, $id, $tile_coords, %rest)
push @{$path->tiles}, $this->get_tile_at($pair->[0], $pair->[1]);
return $path;
sub add_image($this, $name, $source)
@ -118,7 +119,15 @@ sub subgrid_for_regions($this, @region_names)
embed_images => $this->{embed_images}
$subgrid->add_region($this->{regions}{$_}) for @region_names;
say STDERR Dumper($subgrid) if $DEBUG;
# say STDERR Dumper($this->{paths});
foreach my $path (values %{$this->paths})
foreach my $splinter ($path->splinter($subgrid))
say STDERR Dumper($subgrid->paths) if $DEBUG;
return $subgrid;
@ -155,6 +164,14 @@ sub subgrid_for_tiles($this, @coords_list)
foreach my $path (values %{$this->paths})
foreach my $splinter ($path->splinter($subgrid))
say STDERR Dumper($subgrid->paths) if $DEBUG;
return $subgrid;

@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ sub get_edge_direction($tile1, $tile2)
return $HexGrid::DIR{ne} if $nw_diff == 0 && $sw_diff == -1;
return $HexGrid::DIR{n} if $nw_diff == 1 && $sw_diff == -1;
#TODO: should die here, to be caught/bubbled in render...
#TODO: render and splinter should check this returns successfully;
carp("Tiles are not adjacent: " . $tile1->nw . "," . $tile1->sw . "—"
. $tile2->nw . "," . $tile2->sw);
return undef;
sub curve_to($qx, $qy, $x, $y)
@ -45,15 +48,97 @@ sub curve_to($qx, $qy, $x, $y)
# Instance
sub clone_settings($this)
return HexGrid::Path->new
id => $this->id,
style => $this->style,
colour => $this->colour,
css_class => $this->css_class,
sub splinter($this, $grid)
my @splinters;
my $in_splinter = 0;
# If the base path sources at an edge, and the first tile is present,
# the first splinter must source at the same edge
# (the splinter implicitly exists since the first tile is present)
if($this->starts_from && $grid->get_tile_at($this->{tiles}[0]{nw}, $this->{tiles}[0]{sw}))
$in_splinter = 1;
my $splinter = $this->clone_settings;
$splinter->{id} .= "-0";
$splinter->{starts_from} = $this->starts_from;
push @splinters, $splinter;
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$this->tiles}; $i++)
unless ($grid->get_tile_at($this->{tiles}[$i]{nw}, $this->{tiles}[$i]{sw}))
# Not in a splinter and tile not present, skip
# Not in a splinter but tile present, start a new splinter,
# with source where previous tile would be
$in_splinter = 1;
my $splinter = $this->clone_settings;
# Don't set source on first tile
if($i >= 1)
$splinter->{starts_from} = get_edge_direction($this->{tiles}[$i], $this->{tiles}[$i-1]);
push @{$splinter->tiles}, $this->{tiles}[$i];
push @splinters, $splinter;
$splinter->{id} .= "-$#splinters";
if($grid->get_tile_at($this->{tiles}[$i]{nw}, $this->{tiles}[$i]{sw}))
# In a splinter and tile present, just extend current splinter with current tile
push @{$splinters[$#splinters]{tiles}}, $this->{tiles}[$i];
# In a splinter but tile not present, set previous tile sink to this missing tile
$in_splinter = 0;
$splinters[$#splinters]{ends_to} =
get_edge_direction($this->{tiles}[$i-1], $this->{tiles}[$i]);
# If the base path sinks at an edge and the last tile is present,
# the last splinter must sink at the same edge.
# (the splinter implicitly exists since the last tile is present)
my $last_tile = $this->{tiles}[$#{$this->tiles}];
if($this->ends_to && $grid->get_tile_at($last_tile->{nw}, $last_tile->{sw}))
$splinters[$#splinters]{ends_to} = $this->ends_to;
return @splinters;
sub render($this, $grid, $svg)
return unless @{$this->tiles};
my $g = $svg->g(id => $this->id, class => $this->css_class);
my $current_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
my @tiles = @{$this->tiles};
my $current_tile = shift @tiles;
# Single tile
unless (@{$this->tiles})
unless (@tiles)
my ($cx, $cy) = $grid->coords_of_centre($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw);
@ -63,7 +148,7 @@ sub render($this, $grid, $svg)
my ($x2, $y2) = $grid->coords_of_edge($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw, $this->ends_to);
# Curve from starts_from to ends_to with the centre as control point
$g->path(d => "M $x1,$y1 Q $cx,$cy $x2,$y2",
$g->path(d => "M $x1,$y1 Q $cx,$cy $x2,$y2", fill => 'transparent',
stroke => $this->colour, style => $this->style, class => $this->css_class);
@ -95,7 +180,7 @@ sub render($this, $grid, $svg)
my ($x0, $x, $y0, $y);
my $path_spec;
my $previous_tile = $current_tile;
$current_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
$current_tile = shift @tiles;
my $next_edge = get_edge_direction($previous_tile, $current_tile);
($x, $y) = $grid->coords_of_edge($previous_tile->nw, $previous_tile->sw, $next_edge);
@ -113,9 +198,9 @@ sub render($this, $grid, $svg)
my $previous_edge; # not defined yet
my $next_tile; # not defined yet
while (@tiles)
$next_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
$next_tile = shift @tiles;
$previous_edge = -$next_edge;
$next_edge = get_edge_direction($current_tile, $next_tile);

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ GetOptions
'regiondir=s' => \$regiondir
# HexGrid::DEBUG();
$api_url // croak "Base API URL is required! Use --api-url to set";
my $grid = HexGrid->new(embed_images => $embed_images, defaults => {
@ -203,7 +205,6 @@ my $background_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
# say STDERR Dumper(\%background_pages);
foreach my $page (values %{$background_query_results->{query}{pages}})
@ -252,64 +253,6 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$tile_query_results->{query}{pages}})
say STDERR "Continuing Location processing";
$_->() for @location_continuations;
say STDERR "Getting Site pages";
my $site_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
prop => 'info|revisions',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Sites',
gcmlimit => 'max',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $site_page_ref (values %{$site_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $site_page_ref->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $site_name = $site_page_ref->{title};
say STDERR "Processing Site $site_name";
my $site_url = $site_page_ref->{canonicalurl};
my $site_content = $site_page_ref->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($site_content, $site_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
my ($nw,$sw) = split /,/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{coords};
my $tile = $grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw);
carp "Coordinates of Site $site_name do not appear in the grid, skipping.";
my $imageinfo_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
prop => 'imageinfo',
titles => "File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}",
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
my %image_pages = %{$imageinfo_query_results->{query}{pages}};
my $image_url = (values %image_pages)[0]{imageinfo}[0]{url};
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}), $image_url);
my $pin = HexGrid::Pin->new
name => $site_name,
id => HexGrid::to_id($site_name),
icon => HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}),
link => $site_url,
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract}
my (%path_specs);
say STDERR "Getting Path pages";
my $path_query_results = $mw->api
@ -337,16 +280,18 @@ foreach my $path_page_ref (values %{$path_query_results->{query}{pages}})
$path_specs{$path_name} =
id => "$path_name-path",
id => HexGrid::to_id($path_name) . "-path",
tile_page => "$path_name/Tiles",
colour => $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour},
stroke_width => $parsed_template->{named_params}{stroke_width}
$path_specs{$path_name}{starts_from} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{starts_from}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{starts_from};
$path_specs{$path_name}{ends_to} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{ends_to}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{ends_to};
say STDERR "Getting Path Tile pages";
my $path_tile_query_results = $mw->api
( {
@ -368,11 +313,74 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$path_tile_query_results->{query}{pages}})
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
push @path_coords, [$1,$2];
$grid->make_path_from($path_spec{id}, \@path_coords, css_class => 'path', colour => $path_spec{colour},
my $path = $grid->make_path_from($path_spec{id}, \@path_coords, css_class => 'path',
colour => $path_spec{colour},
style => { 'stroke-width' => $path_spec{stroke_width} // $default_path_stroke_width });
$path->{starts_from} = $HexGrid::DIR{$path_spec{starts_from}}
if $path_spec{starts_from};
$path->{ends_to} = $HexGrid::DIR{$path_spec{ends_to}}
if $path_spec{ends_to};
say STDERR "Continuing Location processing";
$_->() for @location_continuations;
say STDERR "Getting Site pages";
my $site_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
prop => 'info|revisions',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Sites',
gcmlimit => 'max',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $site_page_ref (values %{$site_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $site_page_ref->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $site_name = $site_page_ref->{title};
say STDERR "Processing Site $site_name";
my $site_url = $site_page_ref->{canonicalurl};
my $site_content = $site_page_ref->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($site_content, $site_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
my ($nw,$sw) = split /,/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{coords};
my $tile = $grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw);
carp "Coordinates of Site $site_name do not appear in the grid, skipping.";
my $imageinfo_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
prop => 'imageinfo',
titles => "File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}",
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
my %image_pages = %{$imageinfo_query_results->{query}{pages}};
my $image_url = (values %image_pages)[0]{imageinfo}[0]{url};
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}), $image_url);
my $pin = HexGrid::Pin->new
name => $site_name,
id => HexGrid::to_id($site_name),
icon => HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}),
link => $site_url,
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract}
open (my $fh, "> $outfile") or croak "Couldn't open $outfile for writing: $!";
say $fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($grid) : $grid->render);
close $fh;
@ -399,6 +407,7 @@ if($regiondir)
say STDERR "Rendering Region's $region grid";
open (my $region_fh, "> $region.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $region.extension for writing: $!";
say $region_fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($region_grid) : $region_grid->render);
@ -407,6 +416,7 @@ if($regiondir)
# Location grids need to import images
while(my ($location_name, $location_grid) = each %location_grids)
say STDERR "Rendering Location's $location_name grid";
open (my $location_fh, "> $location_name.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $location_name.extension for writing: $!";
say $location_fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($location_grid) : $location_grid->render);
