parent 67bc6b64e8
commit 2469ca32cc
  1. 79
  2. 99
  3. 22
  4. 48
  5. 329

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use SVG;
use Hash::Merge qw(merge);
use HexGrid::Tile;
use HexGrid::Region;
use HexGrid::Path;
use HexGrid::PopUp;
use HexGrid::Image;
use Carp;
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ no warnings "experimental::signatures";
my $DEBUG = 0;
has regions => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has paths => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has images => (is => 'rw', default => sub{ {} });
has sideLength => (is => 'rw', default => 100);
@ -33,6 +35,18 @@ has embed_images => (is => 'rw', default => 1);
sub tile_width($this) { 2 * $this->{sideLength} }
sub tile_height($this) { sqrt(3) * $this->{sideLength} }
# Enumeration of each direction; opposite directions are negated
%HexGrid::DIR =
nw => 1,
sw => 2,
s => 3,
se => -1,
ne => -2,
n => -3
#Hash::Merge::merge defaults to Left Precedence, i.e. merge first arg onto second arg
sub add_region($this, $region) { $this->{regions}{$region->{name}} = $region; }
@ -42,6 +56,20 @@ sub make_region($this, $name, %defaults)
$this->add_region(HexGrid::Region->new(name => $name, defaults => $tile_defaults));
sub add_path($this, $path) { $this->{paths}{$path->id} = $path; }
sub make_path_from($this, $id, $tile_coords, %rest)
my $path = HexGrid::Path->new
id => $id, %rest
foreach my $pair (@$tile_coords)
push @{$path->tiles}, $this->get_tile_at($pair->[0], $pair->[1]);
sub add_image($this, $name, $source)
# Height/width of the image within the symbol doesn't matter
@ -150,7 +178,8 @@ sub render($this)
id => "${key}_symbol",
viewBox => "0 0 $image->{width} $image->{height}",
width => $image->{width},
height => $image->{height});
height => $image->{height}
@ -164,6 +193,10 @@ sub render($this)
$max_x = $m->{max_x} if $m->{max_x} > $max_x;
$max_y = $m->{max_y} if $m->{max_y} > $max_y;
foreach my $path (keys %{$this->paths})
$this->{paths}{$path}->render($this, $svg);
foreach my $later (@$laters)
@ -186,6 +219,50 @@ sub translate_coords($this, $nw, $sw)
1/2 * $this->tile_height * ($sw - $nw));
sub coords_of_centre($this, $nw, $sw)
my ($x_root, $y_root) = $this->translate_coords($nw, $sw);
return ($x_root + $this->tile_width / 2, $y_root + $this->tile_height / 2);
sub coords_of_edge($this, $nw, $sw, $dir)
my ($x_translate, $y_translate);
if($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{nw})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width / 8;
$y_translate = $this->tile_height / 4;
elsif($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{sw})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width / 8;
$y_translate = $this->tile_height * 3 / 4;
elsif($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{s})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width / 2;
$y_translate = $this->tile_height;
elsif($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{se})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width * 7 / 8;
$y_translate = $this->tile_height * 3 / 4;
elsif($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{ne})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width * 7 / 8;
$y_translate = $this->tile_height / 4;
elsif($dir == $HexGrid::DIR{n})
$x_translate = $this->tile_width / 2;
$y_translate = 0;
my ($x_root, $y_root) = $this->translate_coords($nw, $sw);
return ($x_root + $x_translate, $y_root + $y_translate);
sub to_id($string) { $string =~ s/\W/-/g && return $string; }
sub DEBUG { $DEBUG = 1; }

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package HexGrid::Path;
use v5.30;
use Moo;
use MooX::Aliases;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
has tiles => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
has id => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has style => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has colour => (is => 'rw', alias => 'color', default => 'blue');
has css_class => (is => 'rw');
# Class
sub get_edge_direction($tile1, $tile2)
my $nw_diff = $tile2->nw - $tile1->nw;
my $sw_diff = $tile2->sw - $tile1->sw;
return $HexGrid::DIR{nw} if $nw_diff == 1 && $sw_diff == 0;
return $HexGrid::DIR{sw} if $nw_diff == 0 && $sw_diff == 1;
return $HexGrid::DIR{s} if $nw_diff == -1 && $sw_diff == 1;
return $HexGrid::DIR{se} if $nw_diff == -1 && $sw_diff == 0;
return $HexGrid::DIR{ne} if $nw_diff == 0 && $sw_diff == -1;
return $HexGrid::DIR{n} if $nw_diff == 1 && $sw_diff == -1;
#TODO: should die here, to be caught/bubbled in render...
sub curve_path($x1, $y1, $qx, $qy, $x2, $y2)
return "M $x1,$y1 Q $qx,$qy $x2,$y2";
# Instance
sub render($this, $grid, $svg)
return unless @{$this->tiles};
my $g = $svg->g(id => $this->id, class => $this->css_class);
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2);
my $current_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
unless (@{$this->tiles})
my ($cx, $cy) = $grid->coords_of_centre($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw);
$g->circle(cx => $cx, cy => $cy,
r => $this->{style}{'stroke-width'} // $DEFAULT_WIDTH,
fill => $this->colour, style => $this->style, class => $this->css_class);
my $previous_tile = $current_tile;
$current_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
my $next_edge = get_edge_direction($previous_tile, $current_tile);
($x1, $y1) = $grid->coords_of_centre($previous_tile->nw, $previous_tile->sw);
($x2, $y2) = $grid->coords_of_edge($previous_tile->nw, $previous_tile->sw, $next_edge);
$g->line(x1 => $x1, y1 => $y1, x2 => $x2, y2 => $y2,
stroke => $this->colour, style => $this->style, class => $this->css_class);
my $previous_edge; # not defined yet
my $next_tile; # not defined yet
$next_tile = shift @{$this->tiles};
$previous_edge = -$next_edge;
$next_edge = get_edge_direction($current_tile, $next_tile);
($x1,$y1) = $grid->coords_of_edge($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw, $previous_edge);
my ($qx,$qy) = $grid->coords_of_centre($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw);
($x2,$y2) = $grid->coords_of_edge($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw, $next_edge);
# TODO: Draw curve from $current_tile:$previous_edge to $current_tile:$next_edge
# with $current_tile centre as the control point
$g->path(d => curve_path($x1,$y1, $qx,$qy, $x2,$y2),
stroke => $this->colour, style => $this->style, class => $this->css_class
$previous_tile = $current_tile;
$current_tile = $next_tile;
# When loop is done (or if it was empty) $current_tile is the last tile
# $next_edge will be the last used edge, so use it's opposite for the source of last line
($x1, $y1) = $grid->coords_of_edge($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw, -$next_edge);
($x2, $y2) = $grid->coords_of_centre($current_tile->nw, $current_tile->sw);
$g->line(x1 => $x1, y1 => $y1, x2 => $x2, y2 => $y2,
stroke => $this->colour, style => $this->style, class => $this->css_class);

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<svg version="1.1" width="173.2" height="200" xmlns="">
.link { stroke-width: 4px; fill: transparent; }
<!-- 0,s √3*1/4,0 √3*3/4,0 √3,s √3*3/4,2s √3*1/4,2s-->
<polygon points="0,100 43.3,0 129.9,0 173.2,100 129.9,200 43.3,200"/>
<circle cx="86.6" cy="100" r="4" fill="white" stroke="white" />
<!-- 1/8*√3*s s/2-->
<circle cx="21.7" cy="50" r="4" fill="white " />
<circle cx="86.6" cy="0" r="4" fill="lime " />
<circle cx="151.6" cy="50" r="4" fill="yellow " />
<circle cx="151.6" cy="150" r="4" fill="red " />
<circle cx="86.6" cy="200" r="4" fill="magenta" />
<circle cx="21.7" cy="150" r="4" fill="cyan " />
<path d="M 21.75,50 Q 86.6,100 86.6,0 " stroke="lime " class="link" />
<path d="M 21.75,50 Q 86.6,100 151.6,50 " stroke="yellow " class="link" />
<path d="M 21.75,50 Q 86.6,100 151.6,150" stroke="red " class="link" />
<path d="M 21.75,50 Q 86.6,100 86.6,200 " stroke="magenta" class="link" />
<path d="M 21.75,50 Q 86.6,100 21.7,150 " stroke="cyan " class="link" />


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
use v5.36;
use rlib '..';
use HexGrid;
use HexGrid::Path;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
my $MAP_SIZE = 3;
my $grid = HexGrid->new(defaults => {
style => { 'stroke-width' => 1, stroke => 'white' },
show_coords => 0});
my $region = $grid->make_region("TEST");
for (my $nw=-$MAP_SIZE; $nw <= $MAP_SIZE; $nw++)
for (my $sw=-$MAP_SIZE; $sw <= $MAP_SIZE; $sw++)
$region->make_tile_at($nw, $sw);
[[0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,-1], [2,-2], [1,-2], [1,-1], [2,-1], [3,-1]],
colour => 'lime', css_class => 'path', style => { 'stroke-width' => 5 }
$grid->make_path_from('point-id', [[-1,1]],
colour => 'cyan', css_class => 'path', style => { 'stroke-width' => 5 }
[[-2,0], [-1,0], [-1,-1], [-2,-1], [-2,0]],
colour => 'red', css_class => 'path', style => { 'stroke-width' => 5 }
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_centre(-2,0)]}";
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{nw})]}";
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{sw})]}";
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{s})]}" ;
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{se})]}";
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{ne})]}";
# say "@{[$grid->coords_of_edge(-2,0,$HexGrid::DIR{n})]}" ;
# say Dumper($grid);
say $grid->render;

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
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by Ronan Oger


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