Daniel Asher Resnick 2 years ago
parent f6d0afa029
commit 1d574ccee6
  1. 39
  2. 10
  3. 135

@ -64,9 +64,18 @@ sub get_tile_at($this, $nw, $sw)
croak "No tile at $nw,$sw";
sub get_tile_and_region_at($this, $nw, $sw)
foreach my $region (values $this->{regions}->%*)
return ($region->{tiles}{$nw}{$sw}, $region) if exists $region->{tiles}{$nw}{$sw};
croak "No tile at $nw,$sw";
# Clones basic settings
# Grid defaults and regions (and by extension tiles) are tied to $this
# Clones settings
# Regions (and by extension tiles) are tied to $this
# Images are not imported
sub subgrid_for_regions($this, @region_names)
my $subgrid = HexGrid->new
@ -74,7 +83,7 @@ sub subgrid_for_regions($this, @region_names)
sideLength => $this->{sideLength},
width => $this->{width},
height => $this->{height},
defaults => $this->{defaults},
defaults => merge($this->{defaults}, {}),
make_popups => $this->{make_popups},
popup_class => $this->{popup_class},
hidden_popups => $this->{hidden_popups},
@ -85,8 +94,30 @@ sub subgrid_for_regions($this, @region_names)
return $subgrid;
sub subgrid_for_tiles($this, @coords)
sub subgrid_for_tiles($this, @coords_list)
my $subgrid = HexGrid->new
sideLength => $this->{sideLength},
width => $this->{width},
height => $this->{height},
defaults => $this->{defaults},
make_popups => $this->{make_popups},
popup_class => $this->{popup_class},
hidden_popups => $this->{hidden_popups},
embed_images => $this->{embed_images}
foreach my $coords (@coords_list)
my ($tile, $region) = $this->get_tile_and_region_at($coords->{nw}, $coords->{sw});
unless(exists $subgrid->{regions}{$region->{name}})
my $clone = $region->clone;
return $subgrid;
sub render($this)

@ -17,6 +17,16 @@ has name => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has defaults => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
has id_suffix => (is => 'rw', default => '_region');
sub clone($this)
return HexGrid::Region->new
name => $this->{name},
defaults => merge($this->{defaults},{}),
id_suffix => $this->{id_suffix}
sub add_tile($this, $tile) { $this->{tiles}{$tile->{nw}}{$tile->{sw}} = $tile; }
sub make_tile_at($this, $nw, $sw, %tile_settings)

@ -56,8 +56,12 @@ $api_url // croak "Base API URL is required! Use --api-url to set";
my $grid = HexGrid->new(embed_images => $embed_images, defaults => {
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords});
my %region_grids;
my %region_grids_by_subregion;
# my %region_grids;
my %regions_by_subregion;
my %region_grid_listings;
my %images_for_region_grids;
my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new();
$mw->{config}->{api_url} = $api_url;
@ -86,18 +90,8 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$region_query_results->{query}{pages}})
$region->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
$region_grids{$page->{title}} = HexGrid->new
defaults =>
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords
height => 300,
width => 300,
embed_images => $embed_images
# $region_grid_listings{$region->{name}} = [$region->{name}];
$regions_by_subregion{$region->{name}} = $region->{name};
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
@ -129,8 +123,7 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$subregion_query_results->{query}{pages}})
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0];
$region_grids_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}} = $region_grids{$region_name};
$regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}} = $region_name;
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
@ -157,37 +150,41 @@ foreach my $page (values %{$location_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $page->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($page->{revisions}[0]{'*'}, $location_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
say STDERR "Processing location: $page->{title}";
my $location = $grid->make_region($page->{title});
$location->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
push @{$background_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{background}"}}, $location;
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
$regions_by_subregion{$location->{name}} = $region_name;
push @location_continuations, sub
return unless $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0] =~ $coords_regex;
my ($nw, $sw) = ($1, $2);
$location->make_tile_at($nw, $sw);
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
$region_grids{$location->{name}} = HexGrid->new
defaults =>
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
show_coords => $show_coords
height => 300,
width => 300
my $location_with_context = $region_grids{$location->{name}}->make_region($location->{name});
$location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw));
foreach my $coords (split /;/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{context_tiles})
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
$location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($1, $2));
# $region_grids{$region_name}->add_region($location);
# $region_grids{$location->{name}} = HexGrid->new
# (
# defaults =>
# {
# style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
# show_coords => $show_coords
# },
# height => 300,
# width => 300
# );
# my $location_with_context = $region_grids{$location->{name}}->make_region($location->{name});
# $location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw));
# foreach my $coords (split /;/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{context_tiles})
# {
# do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
# $location_with_context->add_tile($grid->get_tile_at($1, $2));
# }
@ -203,32 +200,34 @@ my $background_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
# say STDERR Dumper(\%region_grids);
# say STDERR Dumper(\%background_pages);
foreach my $page (values %{$background_query_results->{query}{pages}})
say STDERR "Processing image: $page->{title}";
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}), $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url});
foreach my $region (@{$background_pages{$page->{title}}})
foreach my $subregion (@{$background_pages{$page->{title}}})
$region->{defaults}{image} = HexGrid::to_id($page->{title});
$subregion->{defaults}{image} = HexGrid::to_id($page->{title});
# say STDERR $region->{name};
if(exists $region_grids{$region->{name}})
$region_grids{$region->{name}}->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}), $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url});
elsif(exists $region_grids_by_subregion{$region->{name}})
my $region_name = $regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}};
# say STDERR $page->{title} unless $region_name;
# say STDERR "$region_name";
push @{$images_for_region_grids{$region_name}},
$region_grids_by_subregion{$region->{name}}->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}), $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url});
name => HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}),
source => $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url}
# say STDERR Dumper($grid->{images});
# say STDERR Dumper(\%images_for_region_grids);
say STDERR "Getting Tile pages";
@ -313,8 +312,24 @@ if($regiondir)
chdir $regiondir || croak "Couldn't chdir to $regiondir: $!";
my $extension = $html_document ? 'html' : 'svg';
while(my ($region, $region_grid) = each %region_grids)
my %region_grid_listings;
while(my ($subregion, $region) = each %regions_by_subregion)
push @{$region_grid_listings{$region}}, $subregion;
while(my ($region, $subregions) = each %region_grid_listings)
my $region_grid = $grid->subgrid_for_regions(@$subregions);
# say STDERR Dumper($images_for_region_grids{$region});
if(exists $images_for_region_grids{$region})
foreach my $image (@{$images_for_region_grids{$region}})
# say STDERR Dumper($image);
$region_grid->add_image($image->{name}, $image->{source});
open (my $region_fh, "> $region.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $region.extension for writing: $!";
say $region_fh ($html_document ? wrap_in_html($region_grid) : $region_grid->render);
@ -325,12 +340,24 @@ if($regiondir)
### Subgrid testing
my $subgrid = $grid->subgrid_for_regions("Midhills", "Minev's Forest", "Naurardhon");
my $svg = $subgrid->render;
open SUBGRID, ">subgrid_test.svg";
say SUBGRID $svg;
close SUBGRID;
# HexGrid::DEBUG();
# my $subgrid = $grid->subgrid_for_regions("Midhills", "Minev's Forest", "Naurardhon");
# my $subgrid = $grid->subgrid_for_tiles
# (
# { nw => 0, sw => 0 },
# { nw => 1, sw => 0 },
# { nw => 0, sw => 1 },
# # { nw => 1, sw => 1 },
# { nw => -1, sw => 0 },
# { nw => -1, sw => 1 },
# { nw => 1, sw => -1 }
# # { nw => 0, sw => -1 },
# # { nw => -1, sw => -1 }
# );
# my $svg = $subgrid->render;
# open SUBGRID, ">subgrid_test.svg";
# say SUBGRID $svg;
# close SUBGRID;
