You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

475 lines
15 KiB

use v5.36;
use rlib '.';
2 years ago
use HexGrid;
use HexGrid::Pin;
use HexGrid::PopUp;
use HexGrid::Dynamic;
2 years ago
use MWTemplate;
2 years ago
use MediaWiki::API;
use Getopt::Long;
2 years ago
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
# $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
2 years ago
use feature "signatures";
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
2 years ago
# This regex is a whitespace forgiving version of /^(-?\d+),(-?\d+)/, an int pair
my $coords_regex = qr/^\s*(\s*-?\d+\s*)\s*,\s*(\s*-?\d+\s*)\s*$/;
2 years ago
my $api_url;
2 years ago
my $region_template_name = "MapRegion";
2 years ago
my $subregion_template_name = "MapSubregion";
my $location_template_name = "MapLocation";
2 years ago
my $site_template_name = "MapSite";
my $path_template_name = "MapPath";
2 years ago
my $border_width = 1;
my $border_colour = 'black';
my $default_path_stroke_width = 5;
my $show_coords = 0;
2 years ago
my $embed_images = 1;
2 years ago
2 years ago
my $html_document = 1;
my $outfile = '-';
my $regiondir;
2 years ago
'api-url=s' => \$api_url,
'region-template-name=s' => \$region_template_name,
'subregion-template-name=s' => \$subregion_template_name,
'location-template-name=s' => \$location_template_name,
'site-template-name=s' => \$site_template_name,
1 year ago
'path-template-name=s' => \$path_template_name,
'border-width|bw=f' => \$border_width,
'border-colour|border-color|bc=s' => \$border_colour,
'show-coords|coords!' => \$show_coords,
2 years ago
'embed-images!' => \$embed_images,
2 years ago
'html-document!' => \$html_document,
'outfile=s' => \$outfile,
'regiondir=s' => \$regiondir
2 years ago
# HexGrid::DEBUG();
2 years ago
$api_url // croak "Base API URL is required! Use --api-url to set";
2 years ago
my $grid = HexGrid->new(embed_images => $embed_images, defaults => {
2 years ago
style => { 'stroke-width' => $border_width, stroke => $border_colour },
2 years ago
show_coords => $show_coords});
2 years ago
1 year ago
# Used in producing region subgrids, maps each subregion to its parent region
2 years ago
my %regions_by_subregion;
my %images_for_region_grids;
2 years ago
my %location_grids;
2 years ago
2 years ago
my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new();
$mw->{config}->{api_url} = $api_url;
say STDERR "Getting Region pages";
my $region_query_results = $mw->api
( {
2 years ago
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Regions',
gcmlimit => 'max',
prop => 'info|revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
my (@tile_pages, %background_pages);
foreach my $page (values %{$region_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $page->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($page->{revisions}[0]{'*'}, $region_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
say STDERR "Processing region: $page->{title}";
1 year ago
my $region = $grid->make_region($page->{title});
$region->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
$region->{defaults}{coords_colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour};
$region->{popup} = HexGrid::PopUp->new
name => $region->{name},
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract},
link => $page->{canonicalurl}
2 years ago
2 years ago
$regions_by_subregion{$region->{name}} = $region->{name};
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
push @{$background_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{background}"}}, $region;
2 years ago
say STDERR "Getting Subregion pages";
my $subregion_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Subregions',
gcmlimit => 'max',
prop => 'info|revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $page (values %{$subregion_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $page->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
2 years ago
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($page->{revisions}[0]{'*'}, $subregion_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
say STDERR "Processing subregion: $page->{title}";
2 years ago
my $subregion = $grid->make_region($page->{title});
$subregion->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
$subregion->{defaults}{coords_colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour};
$subregion->{popup} = HexGrid::PopUp->new
name => $subregion->{name},
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract},
link => $page->{canonicalurl}
2 years ago
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0];
2 years ago
$regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}} = $region_name;
2 years ago
push @tile_pages, "$page->{title}/Tiles";
push @{$background_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{background}"}}, $subregion;
my @location_continuations;
say STDERR "Getting Location pages";
my $location_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Locations',
gcmlimit => 'max',
prop => 'info|revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $page (values %{$location_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $page->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($page->{revisions}[0]{'*'}, $location_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
2 years ago
say STDERR "Processing location: $page->{title}";
2 years ago
my $location = $grid->make_region($page->{title});
$location->{defaults}{colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour};
$location->{defaults}{coords_colour} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{coordinates_colour};
push @{$background_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{background}"}}, $location;
2 years ago
my $region_name = $parsed_template->{positional_params}[1];
$regions_by_subregion{$location->{name}} = $region_name;
next unless $parsed_template->{positional_params}[0] =~ $coords_regex;
my ($nw, $sw) = ($1, $2);
1 year ago
push @location_continuations, sub
1 year ago
# We create the tile after the location region has its image set, which happens later
$location->make_tile_at($nw, $sw);
1 year ago
# Locations can have their own images rendered, given a list of context tiles
# To reference these tiles, they must exist in the parent grid,
# so the remainder of the processing must happen after the region tile pages are processed
2 years ago
my @coords_list = ({ nw => $nw, sw => $sw});
foreach my $coords (split /;/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{context_tiles})
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
push @coords_list, { nw => $1, sw => $2 };
2 years ago
my $location_grid = $grid->subgrid_for_tiles(@coords_list);
# if haven't added image to grid yet, do so
if($tile->image && !(exists $location_grid->{images}{$tile->image}))
$location_grid->{images}{$tile->image} = $grid->{images}{$tile->image};
$location_grids{$location->{name}} = $location_grid;
1 year ago
# To minimize API calls, and since some images may be referenced by more than one region,
# all background images for all regions are put in one request.
# The list of pages to get was constructed in the region, subregion, and location processing.
say STDERR "Getting Background image pages";
my $background_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
prop => 'imageinfo',
titles => join('|', keys %background_pages),
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
2 years ago
foreach my $page (values %{$background_query_results->{query}{pages}})
say STDERR "Processing image: $page->{title}";
2 years ago
$grid->add_image(HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}), $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url});
1 year ago
# For every region which declared this image its background
2 years ago
foreach my $subregion (@{$background_pages{$page->{title}}})
2 years ago
$subregion->{defaults}{image} = HexGrid::to_id($page->{title});
2 years ago
1 year ago
# If we make subgrids for the regions, we'll need to add this image to the region's subgrid
2 years ago
my $region_name = $regions_by_subregion{$subregion->{name}};
push @{$images_for_region_grids{$region_name}},
2 years ago
2 years ago
name => HexGrid::to_id($page->{title}),
source => $page->{imageinfo}[0]{url}
2 years ago
1 year ago
# As above, get all tile pages in one request.
# By doing so, we lose context as to which page corresponds to which region,
# so we extract it from the title of the page.
say STDERR "Getting Tile pages";
my $tile_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
titles => join('|', @tile_pages),
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
2 years ago
foreach my $page (values %{$tile_query_results->{query}{pages}})
2 years ago
my $content = $page->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my ($region_name) = $page->{title} =~ /(.*)\/Tiles/;
say STDERR "Processing tiles for: $region_name";
my $region = $grid->{regions}{$region_name};
foreach my $coords (split /;/, $content)
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
2 years ago
say STDERR "Continuing Location processing";
$_->() for @location_continuations;
my (%path_specs);
say STDERR "Getting Path pages";
my $path_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
prop => 'info|revisions',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Paths',
gcmlimit => 'max',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $path_page_ref (values %{$path_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $path_page_ref->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $path_name = $path_page_ref->{title};
say STDERR "Processing Path $path_name";
my $path_content = $path_page_ref->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($path_content, $path_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
$path_specs{$path_name} =
id => HexGrid::to_id($path_name) . "-path",
tile_page => "$path_name/Tiles",
colour => $parsed_template->{named_params}{colour},
stroke_width => $parsed_template->{named_params}{stroke_width}
$path_specs{$path_name}{starts_from} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{starts_from}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{starts_from};
$path_specs{$path_name}{ends_to} = $parsed_template->{named_params}{ends_to}
if $parsed_template->{named_params}{ends_to};
say STDERR "Getting Path Tile pages";
my $path_tile_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
titles => join('|', map { $_->{tile_page} } values %path_specs),
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $page (values %{$path_tile_query_results->{query}{pages}})
my $content = $page->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my ($path_name) = $page->{title} =~ /(.*)\/Tiles/;
say STDERR "Processing tiles for: $path_name";
my %path_spec = %{$path_specs{$path_name}};
my @path_coords;
foreach my $coords (split /;/, $content)
do { carp "Skipping bad spec: $coords"; next; } unless $coords =~ $coords_regex;
push @path_coords, [$1,$2];
my $path = $grid->make_path_from($path_spec{id}, \@path_coords, css_class => 'path',
colour => $path_spec{colour},
style => { 'stroke-width' => $path_spec{stroke_width} // $default_path_stroke_width });
1 year ago
$path->{starts_from} = $HexGrid::DIR{$path_spec{starts_from}} if $path_spec{starts_from};
$path->{ends_to} = $HexGrid::DIR{$path_spec{ends_to}} if $path_spec{ends_to};
2 years ago
say STDERR "Getting Site pages";
my $site_query_results = $mw->api
( {
action => 'query',
generator => 'categorymembers',
prop => 'info|revisions',
gcmtitle => 'Category:Sites',
gcmlimit => 'max',
rvprop => 'content',
inprop => 'url',
} ) || croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
my %site_icon_pages;
foreach my $site_page_ref (values %{$site_query_results->{query}{pages}})
next if $site_page_ref->{title} =~ /^Category:/;
my $site_name = $site_page_ref->{title};
say STDERR "Processing Site $site_name";
my $site_url = $site_page_ref->{canonicalurl};
my $site_content = $site_page_ref->{revisions}[0]{'*'};
my $parsed_template = MWTemplate::Parse($site_content, $site_template_name);
next unless $parsed_template;
my ($nw,$sw) = split /,/, $parsed_template->{named_params}{coords};
my $tile = $grid->get_tile_at($nw, $sw);
carp "Coordinates of Site $site_name do not appear in the grid, skipping.";
$site_icon_pages{"File:$parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}"} =
my $pin = HexGrid::Pin->new
name => $site_name,
id => HexGrid::to_id($site_name),
icon => HexGrid::to_id($parsed_template->{named_params}{icon}),
link => $site_url,
description => $parsed_template->{named_params}{abstract},
popup => $html_document
say STDERR "Getting Site icon image pages";
my $site_icon_query_results = $mw->api({ action => 'query',
prop => 'imageinfo',
titles => join('|', keys %site_icon_pages),
iiprop => 'url'
}) || carp $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
foreach my $page (values %{$site_icon_query_results->{query}{pages}})
say STDERR "Processing image: $page->{title}";
1 year ago
# Render and output
open (my $fh, "> $outfile") or croak "Couldn't open $outfile for writing: $!";
say $fh ($html_document ? HexGrid::Dynamic::render_html($grid->render,
{ toggle_coords => $show_coords, pin_popups => 1, region_popups => 1 }) : $grid->render);
close $fh;
1 year ago
2 years ago
chdir $regiondir || croak "Couldn't chdir to $regiondir: $!";
my $extension = $html_document ? 'html' : 'svg';
1 year ago
my %region_grid_listings; # Maps a region name to the list of its subregions (including itself)
2 years ago
while(my ($subregion, $region) = each %regions_by_subregion)
2 years ago
2 years ago
push @{$region_grid_listings{$region}}, $subregion;
while(my ($region, $subregions) = each %region_grid_listings)
my $region_grid = $grid->subgrid_for_regions(@$subregions);
if(exists $images_for_region_grids{$region})
foreach my $image (@{$images_for_region_grids{$region}})
2 years ago
$region_grid->{images}{$image->{name}} = $grid->{images}{$image->{name}};
2 years ago
say STDERR "Rendering Region $region\'s grid";
open (my $region_fh, "> $region.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $region.extension for writing: $!";
say $region_fh ($html_document ? HexGrid::Dynamic::render_html($grid->render,
{ toggle_coords => $show_coords, pin_popups => 1, region_popups => 1 }) : $region_grid->render);
close $region_fh;
2 years ago
1 year ago
# TODO: Location grids need to import images
2 years ago
while(my ($location_name, $location_grid) = each %location_grids)
say STDERR "Rendering Location $location_name\'s grid";
2 years ago
open (my $location_fh, "> $location_name.$extension")
or croak "Couldn't open $location_name.$extension for writing: $!";
say $location_fh ($html_document ? HexGrid::Dynamic::render_html($grid->render,
{ toggle_coords => $show_coords, pin_popups => 1, region_popups => 1 }) : $location_grid->render);
2 years ago
close $location_fh;
2 years ago