Fork of Short term, has some fixes. Long term, may include a tool to create and edit stock/lifepath/skill/trait data.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1018 lines
26 KiB

/**** Class LifepathID ****/
function LifepathID(settingName, lifepathName)
{ = [settingName, lifepathName];
this.hashKey = LifepathID_hashHey;
return this;
// Return a string represending this lifepath that can be used as a key in a hash
function LifepathID_hashHey(){
return[0] + ":" +[1];
/**** End Class LifepathID ****/
/**** Class TimeRange ****/
function TimeRange(expression)
this.defaultVal = 1;
this.min = 1;
this.max = 1;
if( expression[0] != "+range" ){
console.log("Error: Unknown lifepath time expression type " + expression[0]);
this.min = parseInt(expression[1]);
this.max = parseInt(expression[2]);
this.defaultVal = this.min;
/**** End Class TimeRange ****/
/**** Class DisplayLifepath ****/
function DisplayLifepath(setting, name, jsonLifepath){
this.setting = setting; = name;
this.displayName = getOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "display_name", name, null);
this.timeRange = null;
this.timeIsChoosable = false;
if ( jsonLifepath.time == "*" ){
if ( null == jsonLifepath.time_expr ){
console.log("Error: Lifepath with variable time is missing time_expr attribute");
this.time = 1;
else {
this.timeRange = new TimeRange(jsonLifepath.time_expr);
this.time = this.timeRange.defaultVal;
this.timeIsChoosable = true;
else {
this.time = getAsNumOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "time", -1, "time field is not set in lifepath " + name + " or is not a number");
this.stat = getOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "stat", [], null);
this.leads = getOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "leads", [], null);
this.keyLeads = getOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "key_leads", [], null);
this.restrict = jsonLifepath["restrict"];
this.requires = jsonLifepath["requires"];
this.note = jsonLifepath["note"];
this.weaponOfChoice = null;
this.resourcePtsIsCalculated = false;
if ( jsonLifepath.res == "*" ){
// Figure out the resource point calculation
var expr = jsonLifepath.res_expr
if ( null == expr ){
console.log("Error: Lifepath with calculated resources is missing res_expr attribute");
this.resourcePts = -1;
else if( expr[0] == '+mult_time'){
this.resourcePtsIsCalculated = true;
var mult = parseInt(expr[1])
this.innerCalculateResourcePoints = function(prevLifepath){
this.resourcePts = this.time * mult;
else if( expr[0] == '+mult_prev'){
this.resourcePtsIsCalculated = true;
var mult = expr[1]
this.innerCalculateResourcePoints = function(prevLifepath){
this.resourcePts = Math.floor(prevLifepath.resourcePts * mult);
else {
this.resourcePts = -1;
else {
console.log("Unknown res_expr type " + expr[0]);
this.resourcePts = -1;
else {
this.resourcePts = getAsNumOrDefault(jsonLifepath, "res", -1, "res field is not set in lifepath " + name + " or is not a number");
skills = jsonLifepath.skills
this.lifepathSkillPts = 0;
this.generalSkillPts = 0;
this.skills = [];
this.brutalLifeDOF = 0;
this.brutalLifeTraitName = null;
this.generalSkillPtsIsCalculated = false;
if ( skills && skills.length > 0){
for(var j = 0; j < skills.length; j++){
var skillsCategory = skills[j];
// Is this the General skills category?
if( skillsCategory[1] == "General" ){
if (skillsCategory[0] == '*') {
var expr = jsonLifepath.skills_expr
if ( null == expr ){
console.log("Error: Lifepath with calculated general skillpoints is missing skills_expr attribute");
this.generalSkillPts = -1;
else if( expr[0] == '+mult_time'){
this.generalSkillPtsIsCalculated = true;
// Need a new variable name for this since javascript variables
// are scoped to the function, not to the block.
var multGenSkill = parseInt(expr[1])
this.innerCalculateGeneralSkillPoints = function(){
this.generalSkillPts = this.time * multGenSkill;
else {
console.log("Unknown skills_expr type " + expr[0]);
this.resourcePts = -1;
} else {
this.generalSkillPts += skillsCategory[0];
else {
this.lifepathSkillPts += skillsCategory[0];
this.skills = this.skills.concat(skillsCategory.slice(1));
traits = jsonLifepath.traits
if ( traits && traits.length > 0){
this.traitPts = traits[0];
this.traits = traits.slice(1);
this.traitPts = 0;
this.traits = [];
this.commonTraits = []
if( jsonLifepath.common_traits){
this.commonTraits = jsonLifepath.common_traits
this.displayLeads = function(){
return listToStr(this.leads);
this.displaySkills = function(){
s = "";
if ( this.lifepathSkillPts > 0 ){
s += this.lifepathSkillPts + " pts: " + listToStr(this.skills);
if ( this.generalSkillPts > 0 ){
if ( s.length > 0 )
s += "; ";
s += this.generalSkillPts + " pts: General";
return s;
this.displayTraits = function(){
var l = this.traits;
if ( l.length == 0 )
l = ['-'];
return listToStr(l);
this.displayStat = function(){
var l = this.stat;
var s = "";
for(var i = 0; i < l.length; i++){
stat = l[i];
if ( i > 0 ) {
s += ", ";
if(stat[1] == 'p'){
if (stat[0] >= 0)
s += "+"
s += stat[0] + " P";
else if (stat[1] == 'm'){
if (stat[0] >= 0)
s += "+"
s += stat[0] + " M";
else if (stat[1] == 'pm' || stat[1] == 'mp'){
if (stat[0] >= 0)
s += "+"
s += stat[0] + " P/M";
if (s.length == 0){
s = "-";
return s;
this.calculateResourcePoints = function(prevLifepath){
this.calculateGeneralSkillPoints = function(){
/* Modify the skill points, resource points, trait points, and stat points
on this object based on the diminishing returns rules and the previously taken lifepaths:
- The second time a lifepath is taken .... if there is no second trait, subtract 1 from the trait points on the path.
- The third time he only receives half the skill and resource points but no trait or stat points.
- The fourth time the character only earns half the resource points and nothing else except years.
The passed 'selectedLifepaths' object should be the list of DisplayLifepaths BEFORE this lifepath is added.
this.modifyForDiminishingReturns = function(selectedLifepaths){
var times = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < selectedLifepaths.length; i++){
if (selectedLifepaths[i].displayName == this.displayName){
if( times == 1 ){
// Second time
if(this.traits.length < 2 && this.traitPts > 0){
else if( times == 2 ){
// Third time
this.generalSkillPts = Math.floor(this.generalSkillPts/2);
this.lifepathSkillPts = Math.floor(this.lifepathSkillPts/2);
this.resourcePts = Math.floor(this.resourcePts/2);
this.stat = [];
this.traitPts = 0;
else if( times >= 3 ){
// Fourth time
this.generalSkillPts = 0;
this.lifepathSkillPts = 0;
this.resourcePts = Math.floor(this.resourcePts/2);
this.stat = [];
this.traitPts = 0;
this.applyBrutalLife = function(selectedLifepaths){
// Number of lifepaths taken including this one.
var num = selectedLifepaths.length + 1;
if ( num > 4 ){
this.brutalLifeDOF = Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1);
if (this.brutalLifeDOF == 1 || num > 9 && this.brutalLifeDOF == 2){
case 5:
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Missing Digit";
case 6:
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Lame";
case 7:
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Missing Eye";
case 8:
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Missing Hand";
case 9:
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Missing Limb";
this.brutalLifeTraitName = "Missing Limb";
this.replaceWeaponOfChoice = function() {
if( this.weaponOfChoice ){
replaceWeaponOfChoice(this, this.weaponOfChoice);
/**** End Class DisplayLifepath ****/
/**** Class StartingStatPoints ****/
function StartingStatPoints(startingStatPointsJson){
this.startingStatPoints = startingStatPointsJson;
// Returns mental, physical
this.lookup = function(age){
rc = [0,0];
if (this.startingStatPoints){
for(var i = 0; i < this.startingStatPoints.length; i++){
var e = this.startingStatPoints[i]
if ( e.range[0] <= age && e.range[1] >= age ){
rc = [e.m, e.p];
return rc;
/**** End Class StartingStatPoints ****/
/**** Class DisplayStat ****/
function DisplayStat(name){ = name;
this.shade = "B";
// Number of mental stat points spent on this stat.
this.mentalPointsSpent = 0;
// Number of physical stat points spent on this stat.
this.physicalPointsSpent = 0;
// Number of stat points that can be spent on either physical or mental that were spent on this stat.
this.eitherPointsSpent = 0;
this.bonus = 0;
if ( name == "Will" || name == "Perception" )
this.type = "m";
this.type = "p";
this.exp = function(){
var exp = this.mentalPointsSpent + this.physicalPointsSpent + this.eitherPointsSpent;
if ( this.shade == 'G' ){
// 5 of the summed points were used for shade shifting.
exp -= 5;
exp += this.bonus;
return exp;
this.specificPointsSpent = function(){
if("m" == this.type){
return this.mentalPointsSpent;
else {
return this.physicalPointsSpent;
this.setSpecificPointsSpent = function(v){
if("m" == this.type){
this.mentalPointsSpent = v;
else {
this.physicalPointsSpent = v;
/**** End Class DisplayStat ****/
/**** Class DisplaySkill ****/
// skillsdata should be the JSON skills data from the server.
function DisplaySkill(name, skillsdata){ = name;
this.roots = []
this.stock = null;
this.isMagic = false;
var data = skillsdata[name];
if ( ! data ) {
// No defined data found. If this is a -wise, we know they are all rooted in perception.
if( endsWith(name, "-wise") ){
this.roots = ['Perception'];
else {
name = getGeneralSkillNameFor(name);
var data = skillsdata[name];
if ( ! data )
console.log("Error: couldn't load data about skill " + name);
if ( data )
this.roots = data.roots;
if ( "stock" in data ){
this.stock = data.stock;
this.isMagic = ("magic" in data);
// Is this a training skill (i.e. can't be advanced)?
this.isTraining = name.toLowerCase().substring(name.length-"training".length) == "training";
this.isTraining = this.isTraining || (data && ("training" in data));
this.costToOpen = 1
if( this.isMagic ){
this.costToOpen = 2;
this.lifepathPointsSpent = 0;
this.generalPointsSpent = 0;
this.bonus = 0;
this.roundUp = false;
this.pointsSpent = function(){
return this.lifepathPointsSpent + this.generalPointsSpent;
this.displayRoots = function(){
var s = "";
for(var i = 0; i < this.roots.length; i++){
if ( i > 0 )
s += "/";
s += this.roots[i];
return s;
this.shade = function(statsByName){
return computeStatAverage(statsByName, this.roots)[0];
this.exp = function(statsByName){
var sum = this.lifepathPointsSpent + this.generalPointsSpent;
if ( sum == 0 ){
return 0;
} else {
var shadeAndExp = computeStatAverage(statsByName, this.roots);
var round = Math.floor;
if (this.roundUp)
round = Math.ceil
return round(shadeAndExp[1]/2) + sum - this.costToOpen + this.bonus;
this.notes = function(){
if ( this.isMagic ){
return "open-ended";
else {
return "";
/**** End Class DisplaySkill ****/
/**** Class DisplayTrait ****/
// traitdata should be the JSON trait data from the server.
function DisplayTrait(name, traitdata){ = name;
var data = traitdata[name];
if ( ! data ){
console.log("Error: undefined trait " + name + ". Treating as a character trait.");
this.cost = 0;
this.type = "character";
// += "*";
this.stock = null;
this.category = null;
this.desc = null;
else {
// If cost is 0, there is no cost; trait cannot be bought
this.cost = data["cost"]
this.type = data["type"]
this.desc = data["desc"];
this.bonus = data["bonus"];
var rawRestrict = data["restrict"]
// Stock is one of mannish, dwarven, elven, orcish, trollish. If there is no restriction, it is set to null.
this.stock = null;
// Category is common, lifepath, or special
this.category = null;
if ( rawRestrict ){
for(var i = 0; i < rawRestrict.length; i++){
var flag = rawRestrict[i];
if( flag == "common" || flag == "lifepath" || flag == "special"){
if ( !this.category )
this.category = [];
else if ( flag == "mannish" || flag == "dwarven" || flag == "elven" || flag == "orcish" || flag == "trollish" ){
if ( !this.stock )
this.stock = [];
this.typeForDisplay = function(){
if(this.type == "character")
return "character"
else if (this.type == "call_on")
return "call-on"
else if (this.type == "die")
return "die"
return "?"
this.nameForListDisplay = + " ("+this.typeForDisplay()+", "+ this.cost + (this.cost == 1 ? "pt" : "pts") + ")";
/**** End Class DisplayTrait ****/
/**** Class DisplayRelationship ****/
function DisplayRelationship(desc, importance, isImmedFam, isOtherFam, isRomantic, isForbidden, isHateful){
this.desc = desc;
this.importance = importance;
this.isImmedFam = isImmedFam;
this.isOtherFam = isOtherFam;
this.isRomantic = isRomantic;
this.isForbidden = isForbidden;
this.isHateful = isHateful;
// Calculate cost of current relationship
this.cost = 0;
if (importance == "minor"){
this.cost = 5;
} else if (importance == "significant"){
this.cost = 10;
} else if (importance == "powerful"){
this.cost = 15;
if ( isImmedFam )
this.cost -= 2;
if ( isOtherFam )
this.cost -= 1;
if ( isRomantic )
this.cost -= 2;
if ( isForbidden )
this.cost -= 1;
if ( isHateful )
this.cost -= 2;
if ( this.cost < 0 )
this.cost = 0;
this.forDisplay = function(){
var s = this.desc;
s += "; " + this.importance
if( this.isImmedFam )
s += ", immed. fam.";
if( this.isOtherFam )
s += ", family";
if( this.isRomantic)
s += ", romantic";
if( this.isForbidden)
s += ", forbidden";
if( this.isHateful)
s += ", hateful";
return s;
/**** End Class DisplayRelationship ****/
/**** Class DisplayGear ****/
function DisplayGear(desc, cost){
this.desc = desc;
this.cost = cost;
this.forDisplay = function(){
return this.desc;
/**** End Class DisplayGear ****/
/**** Class DisplayAffiliation ****/
function DisplayAffiliation(desc, importance){
this.desc = desc;
this.importance = importance;
// Calculate cost of current relationship
this.cost = 0;
this.dice = 0;
if (importance == "small"){
this.cost = 10;
this.dice = 1;
} else if (importance == "large"){
this.cost = 25;
this.dice = 2;
} else if (importance == "national"){
this.cost = 50;
this.dice = 3;
this.forDisplay = function(){
var s = this.desc;
s += "; " + this.importance
return s;
/**** End Class DisplayAffiliation ****/
/**** Class DisplayReputation ****/
function DisplayReputation (desc, importance){
this.desc = desc;
this.importance = importance;
// Calculate cost of current relationship
this.cost = 0;
this.dice = 0;
if (importance == "local"){
this.cost = 7;
this.dice = 1;
} else if (importance == "regional"){
this.cost = 25;
this.dice = 2;
} else if (importance == "national"){
this.cost = 45;
this.dice = 3;
this.forDisplay = function(){
var s = this.desc;
s += "; " + this.importance
return s;
/**** End Class DisplayReputation ****/
/**** Class Alert ****/
function Alert(desc, type){
this.desc = desc;
if(type != 'warn' && type != 'succ'){
console.log("Alert constructor: unknown type " + type);
type = 'warn';
this.type = type;
/**** End Class Alert ****/
/**** Class PTGS ****/
function PTGS() { = 0 = 0
this.mi = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0
this.calculate = function(forte, mortal) { = Math.floor(forte/2)+1
/* Put Light, Midi, Severe, and Traumatic as far right as possible, then
* move them backwards to satisfy the constraint that they may only be
* as far apart as half forte rounded up.
gap = Math.ceil(forte/2)
var tol = [mortal-4,mortal-3,mortal-2, mortal-1]
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
last =
if (i > 0)
last = tol[i-1];
if (tol[i] - last > gap)
tol[i] = last+gap
if (tol[i] <
tol[i] =;
} = tol[0]
this.mi = tol[1] = tol[2] = tol[3] = mortal
/**** End PTGS ****/
/**** Class TraitBonus ****/
// Bonuses for a single trait
function TraitBonus(traitName, traitExpr) {
this.traitName = traitName;
this.traitExpr = traitExpr;
this.shadeBonusForSkill = {};
this.shadeBonusForAttr = {};
this.addBonusForStat = {};
this.addBonusForAttr = {};
this.addBonusForSkill = {};
this.addBonusForStatPool = {};
this.addBonusForReputation = {};
this.setBonusForStatMax = {};
this.setBonusForAttrMax = {};
this.addBonusForStatMax = {};
this.addBonusForAttrMax = {};
this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAnyRootIn = {};
this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAllRootsIn = {};
this.roundingBonusForSkill = function(displaySkill) {
var bonus = false;
for(var i = 0; i < displaySkill.roots.length; i++) {
var root = displaySkill.roots[i];
var b = this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAnyRootIn[root];
if (b) {
bonus = true;
if (bonus)
return true;
// If there is no criteria for roundingBonusForSkillsWithAllRootsIn, fail
if (hashValues(this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAllRootsIn).length == 0)
return false;
bonus = true;
for (var key in this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAllRootsIn) {
var hasRoot = false;
for(var i = 0; i < displaySkill.roots.length; i++) {
var root = displaySkill.roots[i];
if (root == key) {
hasRoot = true;
if (!hasRoot) {
bonus = false;
return bonus;
// Parse the trait expression. It has the form:
target: [+skills, +choose],
value: [+add, 2]
target: [+total_physical, +choose],
value: [+add, 1]
this.parseStatOrAttrBonus = function(target, value){
var type = target[0];
target = target.slice(1);
for(var i = 0; i < target.length; i++){
target[i] = capitalizeEachWord(target[i]);
if (value[0] == '+add') {
// [+add, 1]
if (type == '+stat') {
this.addBonusForStat[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
this.addBonusForAttr[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
console.log("TraitBonus.parseStatOrAttrBonus: unknown value operation ", value[0]);
this.parseTotalPoolBonus = function(target, value) {
this.addBonusForStatPool[target[1]] = value[1];
this.parseStatOrAttrMaxBonus = function(target, value){
var type = target[0];
target = target.slice(1);
for(var i = 0; i < target.length; i++){
target[i] = capitalizeEachWord(target[i]);
if (value[0] == '+add') {
// [+add, 1]
if (type == '+stat') {
this.addBonusForStatMax[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
this.addBonusForAttrMax[target[i]] = value[1];
} else if (value[0] == '+set') {
// [+set, 1]
if (type == '+stat') {
this.setBonusForStatMax[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
this.setBonusForAttrMax[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
console.log("TraitBonus.parseStatOrAttrMaxBonus: unknown value operation ", value[0]);
this.parseSkillsBonus = function(target, value){
var type = target[0];
target = target.slice(1);
for(var i = 0; i < target.length; i++){
target[i] = capitalizeEachWord(target[i]);
if (value[0] == '+add') {
// [+add, 1]
this.addBonusForSkill[target[i]] = value[1];
} else {
console.log("TraitBonus.parseSkillsBonus: unknown value operation ", value[0]);
this.parseSkillsHavingBonus = function(target, value){
var type = target[0];
var anyOrAll = target[1];
target = target.slice(2);
for(var i = 0; i < target.length; i++){
target[i] = capitalizeEachWord(target[i]);
if (value[0] == '+round_up') {
// [+round_up]
if (anyOrAll == '+any_root') {
this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAnyRootIn[target[i]] = true;
} else {
this.roundingBonusForSkillsWithAllRootsIn[target[i]] = true;
} else {
console.log("TraitBonus.parseSkillsHavingBonus: unknown value operation ", value[0]);
if (this.traitExpr == null) {
// No bonuses on this trait
for(var i = 0; i < traitExpr.length; i++){
target = traitExpr[i].target;
value = traitExpr[i].value;
if (target[0] == '+stat' || target[0] == '+attr') {
this.parseStatOrAttrBonus(target, value);
} else if (target[0] == '+pool') {
this.parseTotalPoolBonus(target, value);
} else if (target[0] == '+stat_max' || target[0] == '+attr_max') {
this.parseStatOrAttrMaxBonus(target, value);
} else if (target[0] == '+skills') {
this.parseSkillsBonus(target, value);
} else if (target[0] == '+skills_having') {
this.parseSkillsHavingBonus(target, value);
} else {
console.log("TraitBonus: unknown expression type ", target);
/**** End TraitBonus ****/
/**** Class TraitBonuses ****/
// Aggregates together the bonuses for all traits.
function TraitBonuses() {
this.traits = {};
// Add a trait who's bonuses we want to later be able to lookup.
this.addTrait = function(trait, traitExpr) {
this.traits[trait] = new TraitBonus(trait, traitExpr.bonus);
this.delTrait = function(trait) {
delete this.traits[trait];
this.getAddBonusesFor = function(what, key) {
var bonus = 0;
for (var traitName in this.traits) {
traitBonus = this.traits[traitName];
var v = 0
if (what == "stat") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForStat, key, 0, null);
} else if (what == "attr") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForAttr, key, 0, null);
} else if (what == "skill") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForSkill, key, 0, null);
} else if (what == "statmax") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForStatMax, key, 0, null);
} else if (what == "attrmax") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForAttrMax, key, 0, null);
} else if (what == "pool") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.addBonusForStatPool, key, 0, null);
bonus += v
return bonus;
this.getSetBonusesFor = function(what, key) {
var bonus = -1;
for (var traitName in this.traits) {
traitBonus = this.traits[traitName];
var v = 0
if (what == "statmax") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.setBonusForStatMax, key, -1, null);
} else if (what == "attrmax") {
v = getOrDefault(traitBonus.setBonusForAttrMax, key, -1, null);
// Of all the bonuses that try to set this stat/attr max,
// take the minimum.
if (v > -1) {
if (bonus == -1 || bonus > v) {
bonus = v
return bonus;
this.getAddBonusesForStat = function(stat) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("stat", stat);
this.getAddBonusesForAttr = function(attr) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("attr", attr);
this.getAddBonusesForSkill = function(skill) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("skill", skill);
this.getAddBonusesForAttrMax = function(attr) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("attrmax", attr);
this.getAddBonusesForStatMax = function(stat) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("statmax", stat);
// catg should be 'physical' or 'mental'
this.getAddBonusesForStatPool = function(catg) {
return this.getAddBonusesFor("pool", catg);
// If there is a bonus that sets the max value of the attribute,
// return the value it should be set to. Otherwise, return -1.
this.getSetBonusesForAttrMax = function(attr) {
return this.getSetBonusesFor("attrmax", attr);
// If there is a bonus that sets the max value of the stat,
// return the value it should be set to. Otherwise, return -1.
this.getSetBonusesForStatMax = function(stat) {
return this.getSetBonusesFor("statmax", stat);
this.getRoundUpBonusForSkill = function(displaySkill) {
for (var traitName in this.traits) {
traitBonus = this.traits[traitName];
if (traitBonus.roundingBonusForSkill(displaySkill)) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns the type of choice needed if a trait needs the user to
// choose a Stat, Skill, Reputation, etc.
// Return any 'shift to X' bonuses for the named skill.
// Returns the shade to shift to.
// See function areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied($scope, rexpr){
/**** End TraitBonuses ****/