/ * *
This is the version of the serialized character structure used by convertCurrentCharacterToStruct
and loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct .
TODO : the appropriate weapons choices need to be saved with the character !
* /
var serializeVersion = 1 ;
function handleIframeLoad ( frameName )
var frame = getFrameByName ( frameName ) ;
if ( frame != null )
result = frame . document . getElementsByTagName ( "pre" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML ;
// The form's onload handler gets called when the main page is first loaded as well.
// We detect this condition by checking if the iframes contents are not empty.
if ( result . length > 0 ) {
// At this point we've uploaded a character data file and the server has sent the response (being the JSON-encoded character data)
// into the file upload iframe. We need to get the BurningCtrl $scope and call loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct with the data.
var scope = angular . element ( $ ( "#accordion_main" ) ) . scope ( ) ;
try {
var charStruct = angular . fromJson ( result ) ;
if ( ! characterStructValid ( charStruct ) ) {
scope . $apply (
function ( ) {
scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "That is not a valid character file." ) ;
} ) ;
scope . $apply (
function ( ) {
scope . loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct ( charStruct ) ;
) ;
catch ( e ) {
console . log ( "Loading character failed: " + e ) ;
scope . $apply (
function ( ) {
scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "That is not a valid character file." ) ;
} ) ;
/**** Angular ****/
var burningModule = angular . module ( 'burning' , [ 'ngRoute' , 'ui.bootstrap' ] ) ;
// Define the settings service
burningModule . service ( 'settings' , Settings ) ;
burningModule . service ( 'appropriateWeapons' , AppropriateWeaponsService ) ;
burningModule . service ( 'characterStorage' , CharacterStorageService ) ;
burningModule . service ( 'burningData' , BurningDataService ) ;
burningModule . service ( 'weaponOfChoice' , WeaponOfChoiceService ) ;
/* Set up URL routes. Different URLs map to different HTML fragments (templates)*/
burningModule . config ( function ( $routeProvider ) {
$routeProvider .
when ( '/' , { controller : BurningCtrl , templateUrl : '/main_partial' } ) .
when ( '/config' , { controller : ConfigCtrl , templateUrl : '/config_partial' } ) .
when ( '/help' , { controller : ConfigCtrl , templateUrl : '/help_partial' } ) .
otherwise ( { redirectTo : '/' } ) ;
} ) ;
/ * O n t h e h e l p p a g e w e n e e d t o u s e i n - p a g e l i n k s f o r t h e t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s .
To make this work with Angular we need the following ( see http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/14712223/how-to-handle-anchor-hash-linking-in-angularjs)
* /
burningModule . run ( function ( $rootScope , $location , $anchorScroll , $routeParams ) {
//when the route is changed scroll to the proper element.
$rootScope . $on ( '$routeChangeSuccess' , function ( newRoute , oldRoute ) {
if ( $routeParams . scrollTo ) {
$location . hash ( $routeParams . scrollTo ) ;
$anchorScroll ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function BurningCtrl ( $scope , $http , $modal , $timeout , settings , appropriateWeapons , weaponOfChoice , characterStorage , burningData ) {
$scope . basicAttributeNames = [ "Mortal Wound" , "Reflexes" , "Health" , "Steel" , "Hesitation" , "Stride" , "Circles" , "Resources" ] ;
/ * *
This function is used when calculating the hierarchical select lists of gear or property
to display to the user .
Parameters :
listForSelect : two - dimensional array , where the first index picks the level in the hierarchy ,
and the second index is an item in that level of the hierarchy .
currentItem : An array indexed by level in the hierarchy , whos value is the currently
selected item at that level .
index : The starting level in the hierarchy for which we should recalculate the lower levels
of the lists .
* /
$scope . calculateHierarchyListForSelectN = function ( listForSelect , currentItem , index ) {
if ( index < 1 )
return ;
while ( index < 3 ) {
if ( ! currentItem [ index - 1 ] || ! currentItem [ index - 1 ] . resources ) {
listForSelect [ index ] = [ ] ;
currentItem [ index ] = { } ;
else {
listForSelect [ index ] = currentItem [ index - 1 ] . resources ;
currentItem [ index ] = listForSelect [ index ] [ 0 ] ;
index ++ ;
// Initialize the controller variables to the default empty state, except for the passed parameters which override defaults.
$scope . initialize = function ( stock ) {
$scope . enforceLifepathReqts = settings . enforceLifepathReqts
$scope . enforcePointLimits = settings . enforcePointLimits
/* A list of DisplayLifepath. */
$scope . selectedLifepaths = [ ] ;
$scope . statNames = [ "Will" , "Perception" , "Power" , "Forte" , "Agility" , "Speed" ] ;
$scope . stats = [ ] ;
$scope . statsByName = { } ;
// Skill exponent calculations require all the stats, and the Hatred attribute.
$scope . statsForSkillCalc = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . statNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var n = $scope . statNames [ i ] ;
var stat = new DisplayStat ( n ) ;
$scope . stats . push ( stat ) ;
$scope . statsByName [ n ] = stat ;
$scope . statsForSkillCalc [ n ] = stat ;
$scope . statsForSkillCalc [ "Hatred" ] = {
"exp" : function ( ) {
// Note: this function can't be called until $scope.attribute is defined!
return $scope . attribute ( "Hatred" ) . exp ;
} ,
"calcshade" : function ( ) {
return $scope . attribute ( "Hatred" ) . shade ;
} ;
$scope . statsForSkillCalc [ "Ancestral Taint" ] = {
"exp" : function ( ) {
// Note: this function can't be called until $scope.attribute is defined!
return $scope . attribute ( "Ancestral Taint" ) . exp ;
} ,
"calcshade" : function ( ) {
return $scope . attribute ( "Ancestral Taint" ) . shade ;
} ;
$scope . statsForSkillCalc [ "Spite" ] = {
"exp" : function ( ) {
// Note: this function can't be called until $scope.attribute is defined!
return $scope . attribute ( "Spite" ) . exp ;
} ,
"calcshade" : function ( ) {
return $scope . attribute ( "Spite" ) . shade ;
} ;
// Setting names for use in the Add Lifepath section
$scope . settingNames = [ "Loading..." ]
$scope . currentSettingLifepathNames = [ ] ;
// The currently selected lifepath
$scope . currentSettingLifepath = "Loading..." ;
$scope . currentRelationshipDesc = "" ;
$scope . currentRelationshipImportance = "minor" ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsImmedFam = false ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsOtherFam = false ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsRomantic = false ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsForbidden = false ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsHateful = false ;
$scope . relationships = { } ;
$scope . currentGearDesc = "" ;
$scope . currentGearCost = "" ;
$scope . gear = { } ;
$scope . currentPropertyDesc = "" ;
$scope . currentPropertyCost = "" ;
$scope . property = { } ;
$scope . currentAffiliationDesc = "" ;
$scope . currentAffiliationImportance = "small" ;
$scope . affiliations = { } ;
$scope . currentReputationDesc = "" ;
$scope . currentReputationImportance = "local" ;
$scope . reputations = { } ;
// Hash containing total stat points categorized by
// type (physical, mental, either)
$scope . totalStatPoints = { "physical" : 0 , "mental" : 0 , "either" : 0 }
$scope . unspentStatPoints = { "physical" : 0 , "mental" : 0 , "either" : 0 }
$scope . totalSkillPoints = { "lifepath" : 0 , "general" : 0 }
$scope . unspentSkillPoints = { "lifepath" : 0 , "general" : 0 }
// Character name
$scope . name = "" ;
// Character stock. One of man, dwarf, orc, elf
if ( ! isValidStock ( stock ) ) {
console . log ( "Invalid stock '" + stock + "' passed to BurningCtrl.initialize. Defaulting to man" ) ;
stock = "man" ;
$scope . stock = stock ;
// Character id (server side id)
$scope . charid = null ;
// Character age
$scope . age = 0 ;
// Character gender
$scope . gender = "female" ;
/* Currently seleted setting in the add-lifepath section */
$scope . currentSetting = "(Select Setting)" ;
/* Custom wise that the user has currently entered. */
$scope . customWiseName = "" ;
/* Skills that character earned from lifepaths */
$scope . lifepathSkills = { } ;
/* Skills that character added that use general skill points */
$scope . generalSkills = { } ;
/* Traits that the character has chosen */
$scope . purchasedTraits = { } ;
/* Traits that are required from lifepaths */
$scope . requiredTraits = { } ;
/* Stock common traits */
$scope . commonTraits = { } ;
/* Traits that are on the character's lifepaths, but not necessarily taken */
$scope . lifepathTraits = { } ;
/ * M o d i f i e r s t o a t t r i b u t e s b a s e d o n t h e a n s w e r s t o q u e s t i o n s . T h i s a p p l i e s t o G r e e d , S t e e l , e t c .
The hash is keyed by attribute name , and the value is a list of yes / no questions , their answers ,
and the modifier applied for a yes answer .
* /
$scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults = { } ;
$scope . attributeBonuses = { } ;
/ * U s e d t o k e e p t r a c k o f w h e t h e r t h e u s e r s h a d e - s h i f t e d a n a t t r i b u t e , f o r t h o s e a t t r i b u t e s t h a t
allow shade shifting * /
$scope . attributeShade = { 'Steel' : 'B' , 'Grief' : 'B' , 'Greed' : 'B' , 'Hatred' : 'B' , 'Spite' : 'B' } ;
$scope . ptgs = new PTGS ( ) ;
/* List of traits to show in the Choose Special Trait dropdown */
$scope . specialTraitsForDisplay = [ ] ;
$scope . totalTraitPoints = 0 ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints = 0 ;
$scope . totalResourcePoints = 0 ;
$scope . unspentResourcePoints = 0 ;
$scope . currentGeneralSkill = "Loading...." ;
$scope . currentLifepathTrait = "Loading...." ;
$scope . currentSpecialTrait = "Loading..." ;
// Messages that warn the character of traits they must take to satisfy lifepath requirements
$scope . lifepathTraitWarnings = [ ] ;
// Warnings shown when there is an error saving character or creating character sheet.
$scope . alerts = {
'tools' : { } ,
'resources' : { } ,
'trait' : { }
} ;
$scope . characterStorage = characterStorage
$scope . resourceAdderToShow = 'gear' ;
// If this is true, then the user had added a lifepath to an Orc character that added a
// brutal life trait, and then the character removed that lifepath. According to the rules
// they can never gain more lifepaths after this action.
$scope . brutalLifeWithdrawn = false ;
calculateGearSelectionLists ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculatePropertySelectionLists ( $scope , burningData ) ;
$scope . serverSettings = serverSettings ;
$scope . initialize ( "man" ) ;
if ( characterStorage . currentCharacter ) {
//console.log("Loading current character");
loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct ( $scope , characterStorage . currentCharacter , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) ;
$scope . hashValues = hashValues ;
$scope . generateName = function ( ) {
$http . get ( "/namegen/" + $scope . gender , { 'timeout' : 3000 } ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
$scope . name = data ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "Error: generating name failed: " + data ) ;
} ) ;
if ( $scope . name . length == 0 ) {
$scope . generateName ( ) ;
$scope . hasTrait = function ( traitName ) {
return ( traitName in $scope . commonTraits ) || ( traitName in $scope . purchasedTraits ) || ( traitName in $scope . requiredTraits ) ;
$scope . attributeNames = function ( ) {
var result = $scope . basicAttributeNames . slice ( ) ;
if ( $scope . stock == "orc" ) {
result . push ( "Hatred" ) ;
else if ( $scope . stock == "elf" ) {
result . push ( "Grief" ) ;
// Spite must be calculated after Grief
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Spite" ) ) {
result . push ( "Spite" ) ;
else if ( $scope . stock == "dwarf" ) {
result . push ( "Greed" ) ;
else if ( ( $scope . stock == "man" || $scope . stock == "roden" ) && $scope . hasTrait ( "Faithful" ) ) {
result . push ( "Faith" ) ;
else if ( $scope . stock == "wolf" && $scope . hasTrait ( "Chosen Wolf" ) ) {
result . push ( "Ancestral Taint" ) ;
return result ;
$scope . onGenderChange = function ( ) {
if ( $scope . name . length == 0 ) {
$scope . generateName ( ) ;
calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
$scope . onStockChange = function ( ) {
var oldName = $scope . name ;
// Make a blank character sheet
$scope . initialize ( $scope . stock ) ;
if ( oldName . length == 0 ) {
$scope . generateName ( ) ;
} else {
$scope . name = oldName ;
calculateSettingNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateSpecialTraitsForDisplay ( $scope , burningData ) ;
$scope . onSettingChange = function ( ) {
calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
$scope . calculateAge = function ( ) {
calculateAge ( $scope ) ;
$scope . onLifepathTimeChange = function ( lp ) {
calculateAge ( $scope ) ;
lp . calculateResourcePoints ( null ) ;
calculateTotalResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
lp . calculateGeneralSkillPoints ( ) ;
calculateTotalSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
openRequiredSkills ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
removeLifepathSkillsFromGeneralSkills ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
burningData . registerOnAllDatasetsLoaded ( function ( ) {
onLifepathsLoad ( $scope , burningData ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $on ( '$locationChangeStart' , function ( event , nextUrl , currentUrl ) {
var changingToMe = nextUrl . substring ( nextUrl . length - 3 ) == "/#/" ;
var changingFromMe = currentUrl . substring ( currentUrl . length - 3 ) == "/#/" ;
// Ignore self transitions
if ( changingToMe && changingFromMe ) {
changingToMe = false ;
changingFromMe = false ;
if ( changingFromMe ) {
//console.log("Storing current character");
characterStorage . currentCharacter = $scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStruct ( ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . onAddLifepathClick = function ( ) {
// Find the current lifepath info in the lifepaths
var setting = burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ $scope . currentSetting ] ;
if ( ! setting )
return ;
var lifepath = setting [ $scope . currentSettingLifepath ] ;
if ( ! lifepath )
return ;
displayLp = new DisplayLifepath ( $scope . currentSetting , $scope . currentSettingLifepath , lifepath ) ;
// If this lifepath has a negative 'either' stat bonus ask the user to apply it.
var penalty = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < displayLp . stat . length ; i ++ ) {
var stat = displayLp . stat [ i ] ;
if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'pm' || stat [ 1 ] == 'mp' ) {
if ( stat [ 0 ] < 0 ) {
penalty += stat [ 0 ] ;
if ( penalty < 0 ) {
$scope . chooseStatPenalties ( displayLp , - penalty ) ;
// If the lifepath contains 'Appropriate Weapons', ask the
// user to choose those weapons.
if ( appropriateWeapons . hasAppropriateWeapons ( displayLp ) ) {
var appropriate = appropriateWeapons . appropriateWeapons [ displayLp . name ] ;
if ( ! appropriate ) {
// The selectAppropriateWeapons call will replace the appropriate weapons skill
// with what is selected. It will also call the passed function on successful selection.
appropriateWeapons . selectAppropriateWeapons ( displayLp , function ( ) {
$scope . addDisplayLifepath ( displayLp ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
else {
appropriateWeapons . replaceAppropriateWeapons ( displayLp , appropriate ) ;
// If the lifepath contains 'Weapon Of Choice', ask the
// user to choose the weapon.
if ( weaponOfChoice . hasWeaponOfChoice ( displayLp ) ) {
weaponOfChoice . selectWeaponOfChoice ( displayLp , function ( ) {
$scope . addDisplayLifepath ( displayLp ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
$scope . addDisplayLifepath ( displayLp ) ;
// Add a DisplayLifepath to the list of selected lifepaths for the character.
$scope . addDisplayLifepath = function ( displayLp ) {
var prevLifepath = null ;
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths . length > 0 )
prevLifepath = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ $scope . selectedLifepaths . length - 1 ] ;
displayLp . calculateResourcePoints ( prevLifepath ) ;
displayLp . calculateGeneralSkillPoints ( prevLifepath ) ;
displayLp . modifyForDiminishingReturns ( $scope . selectedLifepaths ) ;
if ( $scope . stock == "orc" ) {
displayLp . applyBrutalLife ( $scope . selectedLifepaths ) ;
$scope . selectedLifepaths . push ( displayLp ) ;
calculateAge ( $scope ) ;
calculateTotalStatPoints ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateUnspentStatPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateLifepathSkills ( $scope , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) ;
calculateTotalSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
openRequiredSkills ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
removeLifepathSkillsFromGeneralSkills ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateSettingNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateLifepathTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
setCommonTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
purchaseRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateUnspentTraitPoints ( $scope ) ;
addBrutalLifeRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateTotalResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
$scope . onRemoveLifepathClick = function ( dlp ) {
// Remove this dlp. Remove the last one if there are multiple.
var index = - 1 ;
for ( var i = $scope . selectedLifepaths . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name == dlp . name ) {
index = i ;
break ;
// If this lifepath had a Brutal Life trait (DoF was 1) then this character can never take new lifepaths if
// this one is removed.
if ( dlp . brutalLifeTraitName ) {
$scope . brutalLifeWithdrawn = true ;
$scope . selectedLifepaths . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
calculateAge ( $scope ) ;
calculateTotalStatPoints ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateUnspentStatPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateLifepathSkills ( $scope , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) ;
calculateTotalSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
openRequiredSkills ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
correctStatPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateSettingNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateLifepathTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
setCommonTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
purchaseRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateUnspentTraitPoints ( $scope ) ;
addBrutalLifeRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateTotalResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
$scope . incrementStat = function ( stat ) {
// Man stock has max 8 pts in any stat
if ( stat . exp ( ) == 8 )
return ;
var specificStatPoints = 0 ;
var eitherStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . either ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . mental ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . physical ;
else {
console . log ( "Error: Unknown stat type " + stat . type + " passed to incrementStat for stat " + stat . name ) ;
return ;
if ( specificStatPoints <= 0 && eitherStatPoints <= 0 && $scope . enforcePointLimits )
return ;
if ( specificStatPoints > 0 ) {
specificStatPoints -= 1 ;
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) + 1 ) ;
else {
eitherStatPoints -= 1 ;
stat . eitherPointsSpent += 1 ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . either = eitherStatPoints ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . mental = specificStatPoints ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . physical = specificStatPoints ;
calculatePTGS ( $scope ) ;
$scope . decrementStat = function ( stat ) {
if ( stat . exp ( ) <= 0 )
return ;
// First put back any 'either' category stat points, then the specific stat points.
if ( stat . eitherPointsSpent > 0 ) {
stat . eitherPointsSpent -= 1 ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . either += 1 ;
else {
var specificStatPoints = 0 ;
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) - 1 ) ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . mental += 1 ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . physical += 1 ;
else {
console . log ( "Error: Unknown stat type " + stat . type + " passed to decrementStat for stat " + stat . name ) ;
// Undo the decrement
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) + 1 ) ;
return ;
calculatePTGS ( $scope ) ;
$scope . changeStatShade = function ( stat ) {
// This method toggles between Gray and Black shades.
var toGray = function ( stat ) {
var specificStatPoints = 0 ;
var eitherStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . either ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . mental ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . physical ;
else {
console . log ( "Error: Unknown stat type " + stat . type + " passed to incrementStat for stat " + stat . name ) ;
return ;
var cost = 5 ;
if ( specificStatPoints + eitherStatPoints < cost ) {
return ;
if ( specificStatPoints >= cost ) {
specificStatPoints -= cost ;
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) + cost ) ;
cost = 0 ;
else {
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) + specificStatPoints ) ;
cost = cost - specificStatPoints ;
specificStatPoints = 0 ;
eitherStatPoints -= cost ;
stat . eitherPointsSpent += cost ;
stat . shade = "G" ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . either = eitherStatPoints ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . mental = specificStatPoints ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . physical = specificStatPoints ;
var toBlack = function ( stat ) {
var specificStatPoints = 0 ;
var eitherStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . either ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . mental ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
specificStatPoints = $scope . unspentStatPoints . physical ;
else {
console . log ( "Error: Unknown stat type " + stat . type + " passed to incrementStat for stat " + stat . name ) ;
return ;
var cost = 5 ;
// Put back 'either' points first.
if ( stat . eitherPointsSpent > cost ) {
eitherStatPoints += cost ;
stat . eitherPointsSpent -= cost ;
cost = 0 ;
else {
eitherStatPoints += stat . eitherPointsSpent ;
cost = cost - stat . eitherPointsSpent ;
stat . eitherPointsSpent = 0 ;
specificStatPoints += cost ;
stat . setSpecificPointsSpent ( stat . specificPointsSpent ( ) - cost ) ;
stat . shade = "B" ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . either = eitherStatPoints ;
if ( "m" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . mental = specificStatPoints ;
else if ( "p" == stat . type ) {
$scope . unspentStatPoints . physical = specificStatPoints ;
if ( stat . shade == 'B' ) {
toGray ( stat ) ;
else if ( stat . shade == 'G' ) {
toBlack ( stat ) ;
console . log ( "Error: changing shade of stat failed: unknown shade " + stat . shade ) ;
$scope . changeAttributeShade = function ( attrName ) {
// This method toggles between Gray and Black shades.
var attr = $scope . attribute ( attrName ) ;
if ( attr . shade == 'B' ) {
// Need 5 points to shift.
if ( attr . exp < 5 )
return ;
$scope . attributeShade [ attrName ] = 'G' ;
else if ( attr . shade == 'G' ) {
$scope . attributeShade [ attrName ] = 'B' ;
console . log ( "Error: changing shade of attribute failed: unknown shade " + stat . shade ) ;
$scope . incrementSkill = function ( skill ) {
var cost = 1 ;
if ( skill . pointsSpent ( ) == 0 ) {
// Magical skills cost 2 points to open.
cost = skill . costToOpen ;
if ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] + $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "general" ] < cost && $scope . enforcePointLimits )
return ;
// Draw down from the lifepath specific points first, then from general.
if ( ! $scope . isGeneralSkill ( skill ) && ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] > 0 || ! $scope . enforcePointLimits ) )
var toTake = cost ;
if ( toTake > $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] )
totake = $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] -= toTake ;
skill . lifepathPointsSpent += toTake ;
cost -= toTake ;
if ( cost > 0 && ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "general" ] > 0 || ! $scope . enforcePointLimits ) )
$scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "general" ] -= cost ;
skill . generalPointsSpent += cost ;
return ;
$scope . changeTrainingSkill = function ( $event , skill ) {
var checkbox = $event . target ;
if ( ! checkbox . checked ) {
// If this skill is required to be open, do not allow
// unchecking
var required = skillsRequiredToBeOpened ( $scope . selectedLifepaths )
if ( skill . name in required ) {
checkbox . checked = true ;
return ;
if ( skill . generalPointsSpent > 0 ) {
$scope . unspentSkillPoints . general += skill . generalPointsSpent ;
skill . generalPointsSpent = 0 ;
if ( skill . lifepathPointsSpent > 0 ) {
$scope . unspentSkillPoints . lifepath += skill . lifepathPointsSpent ;
skill . lifepathPointsSpent = 0 ;
} else {
// User just checked the box.
if ( ! $scope . isGeneralSkill ( skill ) ) {
if ( ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints . general + $scope . unspentSkillPoints . lifepath < 2 ) && $scope . enforcePointLimits ) {
// Not enough points
checkbox . checked = false ;
return ;
while ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints . lifepath > 0 && skill . pointsSpent ( ) < 2 ) {
skill . lifepathPointsSpent += 1 ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints . lifepath -= 1 ;
while ( ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints . general > 0 || ! $scope . enforcePointLimits ) && skill . pointsSpent ( ) < 2 ) {
skill . generalPointsSpent += 1 ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints . general -= 1 ;
} else {
// This is a general skill. Only general point may be spent.
if ( $scope . unspentSkillPoints . general < 2 && $scope . enforcePointLimits ) {
// Not enough points
checkbox . checked = false ;
return ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints . general -= 2 ;
skill . generalPointsSpent += 2 ;
/ *
// Used by ng-repeat's orderBy filter to sort skills.
$scope . sortSkills = function ( skill ) {
return skill . exp ( $scope . statsByName ) ;
* /
$scope . decrementSkill = function ( skill ) {
// If this skill is required to be open, do not allow
// decrementing below 1.
var required = skillsRequiredToBeOpened ( $scope . selectedLifepaths )
if ( ( skill . name in required ) && skill . lifepathPointsSpent == 1 && skill . generalPointsSpent == 0 ) {
return ;
var cost = 1 ;
if ( skill . pointsSpent ( ) == skill . costToOpen ) {
// Magical skills cost 2 points to open.
cost = skill . costToOpen ;
// Put back to the general points first, then to lifepath specific
if ( skill . generalPointsSpent > 0 ) {
var toGive = cost ;
if ( toGive > skill . generalPointsSpent )
toGive = skill . generalPointsSpent ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "general" ] += toGive ;
skill . generalPointsSpent -= toGive ;
cost -= toGive ;
if ( skill . lifepathPointsSpent > 0 ) {
$scope . unspentSkillPoints [ "lifepath" ] += cost ;
skill . lifepathPointsSpent -= cost ;
return ;
/* Given a skill name, add a general skill */
$scope . addGeneralSkill = function ( skillName ) {
if ( skillName in burningData . skills && ! ( skillName in $scope . lifepathSkills ) ) {
$scope . generalSkills [ skillName ] = new DisplaySkill ( skillName , burningData . skills ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
/* Given a wise name, add a custom wise.*/
$scope . addCustomWise = function ( wiseName ) {
wiseName = wiseName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( endsWith ( wiseName , "-wise" ) ) {
wiseName = wiseName . substring ( 0 , wiseName . length - 5 ) ;
wiseName = capitalizeEachWord ( wiseName ) + "-wise" ;
$scope . generalSkills [ wiseName ] = new DisplaySkill ( wiseName , burningData . skills ) ;
/ * G i v e n t h e p a s s e d d i s p l a y s k i l l , d e t e r m i n e i f i t ' s i n t h e l i s t o f
general skills selected by the user * /
$scope . isGeneralSkill = function ( displaySkill ) {
return ( displaySkill . name in $scope . generalSkills ) ;
/* Given the passed display skill, remove it from the list of general skills */
$scope . removeGeneralSkill = function ( displaySkill ) {
delete $scope . generalSkills [ displaySkill . name ] ;
calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) ;
// Return a hash containing all skills
$scope . allSelectedSkills = function ( ) {
var result = { }
for ( var key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) {
result [ key ] = $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ]
for ( var key in $scope . generalSkills ) {
result [ key ] = $scope . generalSkills [ key ]
return result ;
// Return a list of skill names that the character can choose
// from to add a general skill. This is all skills less the
// skills the character already has, and less the skills that
// are not allowed for the character's stock.
$scope . selectableGeneralSkills = function ( ) {
var result = [ ] ;
for ( var key in burningData . skills ) {
if ( ! ( key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) && ! ( key in $scope . generalSkills ) ) {
var displaySkill = burningData . skills [ key ] ;
if ( ! displaySkill . stock || restrictionStockToValidStock ( displaySkill . stock ) == $scope . stock ) {
result . push ( key ) ;
// This is hacky, but set the current model value for the dropdown
if ( result . length > 0 && result . indexOf ( $scope . currentGeneralSkill ) < 0 ) {
$scope . currentGeneralSkill = result [ 0 ] ;
return result . sort ( ) ;
// Return a style to be applied to a skill name to indicate whether or not it's open.
$scope . skillStyle = function ( skill ) {
if ( skill . pointsSpent ( ) > 0 ) {
return { "font-weight" : "bold" } ;
} else {
return { } ;
// Return the value of the attribute with the specified name as a hash of [shade : S, exp : E, modifyable : flag]
$scope . attribute = function ( name ) {
var computeModifiers = function ( name ) {
var result = 0 ;
var questions = attributeModifyingQuestions ( $scope , name ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < questions . length ; i ++ ) {
var q = questions [ i ] ;
if ( q . computed ) {
result += q . compute ( ) ;
var answers = $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults [ name ] ;
if ( answers ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < answers . length ; i ++ ) {
var q = answers [ i ] ;
if ( "answer" in q ) {
if ( q . answer ) {
if ( q . computeModifier ) {
result += q . compute ( ) ;
else {
result += q . modifier ;
return result ;
var computeBonus = function ( name ) {
var bonus = 0 ;
if ( name in $scope . attributeBonuses ) {
bonus = $scope . attributeBonuses [ name ] ;
return bonus ;
var bonus = computeBonus ( name )
if ( "Mortal Wound" == name ) {
var shadeAndExp = computeStatAverage ( $scope . statsByName , [ "Power" , "Forte" ] ) ;
return { "shade" : shadeAndExp [ 0 ] , "exp" : shadeAndExp [ 1 ] + 6 + bonus } ;
else if ( "Reflexes" == name ) {
var shadeAndExp = computeStatAverage ( $scope . statsByName , [ "Perception" , "Agility" , "Speed" ] ) ;
return { "shade" : shadeAndExp [ 0 ] , "exp" : shadeAndExp [ 1 ] + bonus } ;
else if ( "Health" == name ) {
var shadeAndExp = computeStatAverage ( $scope . statsByName , [ "Will" , "Forte" ] ) ;
shadeAndExp [ 1 ] += computeModifiers ( name ) ;
return { "shade" : shadeAndExp [ 0 ] , "exp" : shadeAndExp [ 1 ] + bonus , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Steel" == name ) {
var steel = 3 + computeModifiers ( name ) + bonus ;
if ( $scope . attributeShade [ name ] == 'G' ) {
steel -= 5 ;
return { "shade" : $scope . attributeShade [ name ] , "exp" : steel , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Hesitation" == name ) {
return { "shade" : "" , "exp" : 10 - $scope . statsByName [ "Will" ] . exp ( ) + bonus } ;
else if ( "Stride" == name ) {
var stride = 0 ;
if ( $scope . stock == 'dwarf' )
stride = 6 ;
else if ( $scope . stock == 'elf' )
stride = 8 ;
else if ( $scope . stock == 'roden' )
stride = 8 ;
else if ( $scope . stock == 'wolf' )
stride = 11 ;
stride = 7 ;
stride += bonus ;
return { "shade" : "" , "exp" : stride } ;
else if ( "Circles" == name ) {
var v = Math . floor ( $scope . statsByName [ "Will" ] . exp ( ) / 2 ) ;
if ( v < 1 )
v = 1 ;
var sum = 0 ;
var reputations = hashValues ( $scope . reputations ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < reputations . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += reputations [ i ] . cost ;
var property = hashValues ( $scope . property ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < property . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += property [ i ] . cost ;
if ( sum >= 50 ) {
v += 1 ;
v += bonus ;
return { "shade" : "B" , "exp" : v } ;
else if ( "Resources" == name ) {
var sum = 0 ;
var reputations = hashValues ( $scope . reputations ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < reputations . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += reputations [ i ] . cost ;
var affiliations = hashValues ( $scope . affiliations ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < affiliations . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += affiliations [ i ] . cost ;
var property = hashValues ( $scope . property ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < property . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += property [ i ] . cost ;
return { "shade" : "B" , "exp" : Math . floor ( sum / 15 ) + bonus } ;
else if ( "Hatred" == name ) {
var hate = computeModifiers ( name ) ;
if ( $scope . attributeShade [ name ] == 'G' ) {
hate -= 5 ;
hate += bonus ;
return { "shade" : $scope . attributeShade [ name ] , "exp" : hate , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Greed" == name ) {
var greed = computeModifiers ( name ) ;
if ( $scope . attributeShade [ name ] == 'G' ) {
greed -= 5 ;
greed += bonus ;
return { "shade" : $scope . attributeShade [ name ] , "exp" : greed , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Grief" == name ) {
var grief = computeModifiers ( name ) ;
if ( $scope . attributeShade [ name ] == 'G' ) {
grief -= 5 ;
grief += bonus ;
return { "shade" : $scope . attributeShade [ name ] , "exp" : grief , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Spite" == name ) {
var spite = computeModifiers ( name ) ;
if ( $scope . attributeShade [ name ] == 'G' ) {
spite -= 5 ;
spite += bonus ;
return { "shade" : $scope . attributeShade [ name ] , "exp" : spite , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Faith" == name ) {
var faith = 3 + computeModifiers ( name ) ;
faith += bonus ;
return { "shade" : 'B' , "exp" : faith , "modifyable" : true } ;
else if ( "Ancestral Taint" == name ) {
// Taint starts +1 for Ancestral Taint (which is automatically given when Chosen Wolf is purchased)
var taint = 1 + computeModifiers ( name ) ;
taint += bonus ;
return { "shade" : $scope . statsByName [ "Will" ] . shade , "exp" : taint , "modifyable" : true } ;
$scope . distributeStats = function ( ) {
// Change all stats to black
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
$scope . stats [ i ] . shade = 'B' ;
// Divide 'either' pool evenly between physical and mental
var eitherBuckets = divideIntoBuckets ( $scope . totalStatPoints . either , 2 ) ;
// Divide mental between each mental stat
var mentalBuckets = divideIntoBuckets ( $scope . totalStatPoints . mental , 2 ) ;
var mentalEitherBuckets = divideIntoBuckets ( eitherBuckets [ 0 ] , 2 ) ;
// Divide physical between each physical stat
var physicalBuckets = divideIntoBuckets ( $scope . totalStatPoints . physical , 4 ) ;
var physicalEitherBuckets = divideIntoBuckets ( eitherBuckets [ 1 ] , 4 ) ;
$scope . statsByName . Will . mentalPointsSpent = mentalBuckets [ 0 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Will . eitherPointsSpent = mentalEitherBuckets [ 1 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Perception . mentalPointsSpent = mentalBuckets [ 1 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Perception . eitherPointsSpent = mentalEitherBuckets [ 0 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Power . physicalPointsSpent = physicalBuckets [ 0 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Power . eitherPointsSpent = physicalEitherBuckets [ 3 ] ;
$scope . statsByName . Speed . physicalPointsSpent = physicalBuckets [ 1 ]
$scope . statsByName . Speed . eitherPointsSpent = physicalEitherBuckets [ 2 ]
$scope . statsByName . Agility . physicalPointsSpent = physicalBuckets [ 2 ]
$scope . statsByName . Agility . eitherPointsSpent = physicalEitherBuckets [ 1 ]
$scope . statsByName . Forte . physicalPointsSpent = physicalBuckets [ 3 ]
$scope . statsByName . Forte . eitherPointsSpent = physicalEitherBuckets [ 0 ]
// Sanity check
var sum = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
sum += $scope . stats [ i ] . exp ( ) - $scope . stats [ i ] . bonus ;
if ( sum != $scope . totalStatPoints . either + $scope . totalStatPoints . mental + $scope . totalStatPoints . physical ) {
console . log ( "Error: Calculation in distributeStats is incorrect." ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
$scope . stats [ i ] . physicalPointsSpent = 0 ;
$scope . stats [ i ] . mentalPointsSpent = 0 ;
$scope . stats [ i ] . eitherPointsSpent = 0 ;
calculateUnspentStatPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculatePTGS ( $scope ) ;
$scope . lifepathTraitsForDisplay = function ( ) {
var list = [ ] ;
var traits = hashValues ( $scope . lifepathTraits ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < traits . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! ( traits [ i ] . name in $scope . purchasedTraits ) && ! ( traits [ i ] . name in $scope . requiredTraits ) ) {
list . push ( traits [ i ] . name + ": 1pt" ) ;
if ( list . length > 0 && list . indexOf ( $scope . currentLifepathTrait ) < 0 ) {
$scope . currentLifepathTrait = list [ 0 ] ;
return list ;
/ *
$scope . specialTraitsForDisplay = function ( ) {
var list = [ ] ;
for ( var traitName in burningData . traits ) {
var trait = burningData . traits [ traitName ] ;
if ( 'restrict' in trait ) {
if ( trait . restrict . indexOf ( validStockToRestrictionStock ( $scope . stock ) ) >= 0 &&
( trait . restrict . indexOf ( "special" ) >= 0 || trait . restrict . indexOf ( "character" ) >= 0 ) ) {
list . push ( new DisplayTrait ( traitName , burningData . traits ) ) ;
} else {
// No restriction! As long as cost > 0 (cost 0 is for traits with no cost; not purchaseable)
if ( trait . cost > 0 ) {
list . push ( new DisplayTrait ( traitName , burningData . traits ) ) ;
return list ;
* /
$scope . addLifepathTrait = function ( traitName ) {
if ( $scope . unspentTraitPoints < 1 && $scope . enforcePointLimits )
return ;
traitName = traitName . split ( ":" ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! ( traitName in $scope . purchasedTraits ) && ! ( traitName in $scope . requiredTraits ) ) {
$scope . purchasedTraits [ traitName ] = new DisplayTrait ( traitName , burningData . traits ) ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints -= 1 ;
calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
/* Given the passed display trait, remove it from the list of purchased traits*/
$scope . removeTrait = function ( trait ) {
delete $scope . purchasedTraits [ trait . name ] ;
calculateUnspentTraitPoints ( $scope ) ;
calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
$scope . addSpecialTrait = function ( trait ) {
traitName = trait . name ;
if ( ! ( traitName in $scope . purchasedTraits ) && ! ( traitName in $scope . requiredTraits ) ) {
if ( trait . cost <= $scope . unspentTraitPoints || ! $scope . enforcePointLimits ) {
$scope . purchasedTraits [ traitName ] = trait ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints -= trait . cost ;
else {
$scope . addAlert ( 'trait' , "You don't have enough trait points for that." ) ;
calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) ;
applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) ;
$scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStruct = function ( ) {
return convertCurrentCharacterToStruct ( $scope , appropriateWeapons ) ;
$scope . loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct = function ( charStruct ) {
loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct ( $scope , charStruct , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) ;
$scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStructForCharSheet = function ( ) {
// Format:
// {
// :name => string,
// :stock => string,
// :age => integer,
// :stock => string,
// :lifepaths => [string, string,...]
// :stats => { :will => ["B", 5], ...}
// :attributes => { :health => ["B", 5], ...}
// :skills => [
// [name, shade, exponent]
// ]
// :traits => [
// [name, type]
// ]
// :ptgs => { :su => ["B1"], ... }
// }
// Structure:
var chardata = {
"name" : $scope . name ,
"age" : $scope . age ,
"stock" : $scope . stock
} ;
var lifepaths = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
lifepaths . push ( displayLp . displayName ) ;
chardata . lifepaths = lifepaths ;
var stats = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayStat = $scope . stats [ i ] ;
stats [ displayStat . name . toLowerCase ( ) ] = [ displayStat . shade , displayStat . exp ( ) ] ;
chardata . stats = stats ;
var attrs = { } ;
var attributeNames = $scope . attributeNames ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributeNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var attr = $scope . attribute ( attributeNames [ i ] ) ;
attrs [ attributeNames [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] = [ attr . shade , attr . exp ] ;
chardata . attributes = attrs ;
var skills = [ ] ;
for ( var key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) {
var displaySkill = $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] ;
if ( displaySkill . pointsSpent ( ) > 0 )
skills . push ( [ displaySkill . name , displaySkill . shade ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) , displaySkill . exp ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) , displaySkill . isTraining ] ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . generalSkills ) {
var displaySkill = $scope . generalSkills [ key ] ;
if ( displaySkill . pointsSpent ( ) > 0 )
skills . push ( [ displaySkill . name , displaySkill . shade ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) , displaySkill . exp ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) , displaySkill . isTraining ] ) ;
chardata . skills = skills
var traits = [ ] ;
for ( var key in $scope . purchasedTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . purchasedTraits [ key ] ;
traits . push ( [ displayTrait . name , displayTrait . type ] ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . requiredTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . requiredTraits [ key ] ;
traits . push ( [ displayTrait . name , displayTrait . type ] ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . commonTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . commonTraits [ key ] ;
traits . push ( [ displayTrait . name , displayTrait . type ] ) ;
chardata . traits = traits ;
// Resources
var serializeResource = function ( resourceHash , coder ) {
var resourceList = hashValues ( resourceHash ) ;
var res = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < resourceList . length ; i ++ ) {
var display = resourceList [ i ] ;
res . push ( coder ( display ) ) ;
return res ;
var res = serializeResource ( $scope . gear , function ( display ) {
return display . desc
} ) ;
chardata . gear = res ;
var res = serializeResource ( $scope . property , function ( display ) {
return display . desc
} ) ;
chardata . property = res ;
res = serializeResource ( $scope . relationships , function ( display ) {
return display . desc
} ) ;
chardata . relationships = res ;
res = serializeResource ( $scope . reputations , function ( display ) {
return display . desc + " " + display . dice + "D" ;
} ) ;
chardata . reputations = res ;
res = serializeResource ( $scope . affiliations , function ( display ) {
return display . desc + " " + display . dice + "D" ;
} ) ;
chardata . affiliations = res ;
chardata . ptgs = {
"su" : $scope . ptgs . su ,
"li" : $scope . ptgs . li ,
"mi" : $scope . ptgs . mi ,
"se" : $scope . ptgs . se ,
"tr" : $scope . ptgs . tr ,
"mo" : $scope . ptgs . mo ,
} ;
chardata . attr _mod _questions = convertAttributeModifierQuestionResultsForCharsheet ( $scope ) ;
return chardata ;
$scope . makeCharsheetForCurrentCharacter = function ( ) {
var json = angular . toJson ( $scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStructForCharSheet ( ) , true ) ;
$http . post ( "/charsheet" , json ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "huzzah, making charsheet succeeded. File URL: " + data ) ;
var frame = document . getElementById ( "downloadframe" ) ;
if ( frame ) {
frame . src = data ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "boo, making charsheet failed: " + data ) ;
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Generating character sheet failed: " + data ) ;
} ) ;
// Launch a download for the current character. Since Javascript can't really
// launch a download using data from javascript, we need to pass the current character
// to the server which sends a filename back to a hidden iframe which then launches the download.
$scope . downloadCurrentCharacter = function ( ) {
var nameWarn = "The character must have a name before it can be downloaded." ;
if ( $scope . name . length == 0 ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , nameWarn ) ;
return ;
else {
$scope . removeAlert ( 'tools' , nameWarn ) ;
var json = angular . toJson ( $scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStruct ( ) , true ) ;
$http . post ( "/download_charfile" , json ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "huzzah, making character data file succeeded. File URL: " + data ) ;
var frame = document . getElementById ( "downloadframe" ) ;
if ( frame ) {
frame . src = data ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "boo, making character data file failed: " + data ) ;
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Generating character file failed: " + data ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . saveCurrentCharacterToServer = function ( ) {
var nameWarn = "The character must have a name before it can be saved." ;
if ( $scope . name . length == 0 ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , nameWarn ) ;
return ;
else {
$scope . removeAlert ( 'tools' , nameWarn ) ;
var json = angular . toJson ( $scope . convertCurrentCharacterToStruct ( ) , true ) ;
var url = "/create_char/user1/" + $scope . name ;
if ( $scope . charid != null ) {
url = "/update_char/user1/" + $scope . charid + "/" + $scope . name ;
$http . post ( url , json ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
if ( $scope . charid == null ) {
// Create
console . log ( "huzzah, creating character succeeded. Character id = " + data [ 'id' ] ) ;
$scope . charid = data [ 'id' ]
characterStorage . loadCharacterNames ( ) ;
else {
console . log ( "huzzah, updating character succeeded. Character id = " + data [ 'id' ] ) ;
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Character was successfully saved." , 'succ' ) ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "boo, saving character failed: " + data ) ;
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , data ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . loadCharacterFromServer = function ( characterIdAndNameToLoad ) {
if ( characterIdAndNameToLoad == null ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Select a character to load." ) ;
return ;
$http . get ( "/get_char/user1/" + characterIdAndNameToLoad [ 0 ] , { 'timeout' : 3000 } ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "Loaded character" ) ;
loadCurrentCharacterFromStruct ( $scope , data , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) ;
$scope . charid = characterIdAndNameToLoad [ 0 ] ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "Error: Loading saved character from server failed: HTTP code " + status + ": " + data ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . deleteCharacterOnServer = function ( characterIdAndNameToLoad ) {
if ( characterIdAndNameToLoad == null ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Select a character to delete." ) ;
return ;
$http . get ( "/delete_char/user1/" + characterIdAndNameToLoad [ 0 ] , { 'timeout' : 3000 } ) .
success ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "Deleted character" ) ;
characterStorage . loadCharacterNames ( ) ;
$scope . addAlert ( 'tools' , "Character was successfully deleted." , 'succ' ) ;
} ) .
error ( function ( data , status , headers , config ) {
console . log ( "Error: Deleting saved character from server failed: HTTP code " + status + ": " + data ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . addResource = function ( type ) {
var resource = null ;
var resourceHash = null ;
if ( type == 'relationship' ) {
resource = new DisplayRelationship (
$scope . currentRelationshipDesc ,
$scope . currentRelationshipImportance ,
$scope . currentRelationshipIsImmedFam ,
$scope . currentRelationshipIsOtherFam ,
$scope . currentRelationshipIsRomantic ,
$scope . currentRelationshipIsForbidden ,
$scope . currentRelationshipIsHateful
) ;
resourceHash = $scope . relationships ;
else if ( type == 'gear' ) {
var cost = parseInt ( $scope . currentGearCost ) ;
if ( isNaN ( cost ) )
return ;
resource = new DisplayGear (
$scope . currentGearDesc ,
) ;
resourceHash = $scope . gear ;
else if ( type == 'property' ) {
var cost = parseInt ( $scope . currentPropertyCost ) ;
if ( isNaN ( cost ) )
return ;
resource = new DisplayGear (
$scope . currentPropertyDesc ,
) ;
resourceHash = $scope . property ;
else if ( type == 'affiliation' ) {
resource = new DisplayAffiliation (
$scope . currentAffiliationDesc ,
$scope . currentAffiliationImportance
) ;
resourceHash = $scope . affiliations ;
else if ( type == 'reputation' ) {
resource = new DisplayReputation (
$scope . currentReputationDesc ,
$scope . currentReputationImportance
) ;
resourceHash = $scope . reputations ;
// If this already exists, ignore the new entry.
if ( resourceHash [ resource . desc ] ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'resources' , "You already have that " + type + "." ) ;
return ;
if ( resource . desc . length == 0 ) {
return ;
if ( resource . cost > $scope . unspentResourcePoints && $scope . enforcePointLimits ) {
$scope . addAlert ( 'resources' , "You don't have enough resource points for that." ) ;
return ;
resourceHash [ resource . desc ] = resource ;
calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
$scope . addSelectListGear = function ( ) {
var name = "" ;
var cost = 0 ;
for ( var i = 2 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( $scope . currentSelectListGear [ i ] ) {
var gear = $scope . currentSelectListGear [ i ] ;
if ( gear . cost ) {
cost = gear . cost ;
if ( gear . name ) {
if ( name . length > 0 ) {
name = gear . name + ", " + name ;
else {
name = gear . name ;
$scope . currentGearDesc = name ;
$scope . currentGearCost = cost ;
$scope . addResource ( 'gear' ) ;
$scope . addSelectListProperty = function ( ) {
var name = "" ;
var cost = 0 ;
for ( var i = 2 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( $scope . currentSelectListProperty [ i ] ) {
var property = $scope . currentSelectListProperty [ i ] ;
if ( property . cost ) {
cost = property . cost ;
if ( property . name ) {
if ( name . length > 0 ) {
name = property . name + ", " + name ;
else {
name = property . name ;
$scope . currentPropertyDesc = name ;
$scope . currentPropertyCost = cost ;
$scope . addResource ( 'property' ) ;
$scope . removeResource = function ( type , display ) {
var resourceHash = null ;
if ( type == 'relationship' ) {
resourceHash = $scope . relationships ;
else if ( type == 'gear' ) {
resourceHash = $scope . gear ;
else if ( type == 'property' ) {
resourceHash = $scope . property ;
else if ( type == 'affiliation' ) {
resourceHash = $scope . affiliations ;
else if ( type == 'reputation' ) {
resourceHash = $scope . reputations ;
$scope . resourceAdderToShow = type ;
populateUiFieldsFromDisplayResource ( $scope , type , resourceHash [ display . desc ] ) ;
delete resourceHash [ display . desc ] ;
calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) ;
$scope . addAlertNoTimeout = function ( section , desc , type ) {
if ( ! type )
type = 'warn' ;
var h = $scope . alerts [ section ] ;
h [ desc ] = new Alert ( desc , type ) ;
$scope . alerts [ section ] = h ;
$scope . addAlert = function ( section , desc , type ) {
$scope . addAlertNoTimeout ( section , desc , type ) ;
$timeout ( function ( ) {
$scope . removeAlert ( section , desc ) ;
} , 4000 ) ;
$scope . removeAlert = function ( section , desc ) {
var h = $scope . alerts [ section ] ;
delete h [ desc ] ;
$scope . alerts [ section ] = h ;
$scope . alertsOfType = function ( section , type ) {
var h = $scope . alerts [ section ] ;
var rc = [ ] ;
for ( key in h ) {
var a = h [ key ] ;
if ( a . type == type )
rc . push ( a . desc ) ;
return rc ;
$scope . answerEmotionalAttributeQuestions = function ( attributeName ) {
// If the character already has some or all of the questions answered, pass those in.
// Otherwise generate new ones.
var questions = attributeModifyingQuestions ( $scope , attributeName ) ;
if ( ! questions )
return ;
if ( attributeName in $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults ) {
questions = $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults [ attributeName ] ;
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/emotional_attr_questions_partial' ,
controller : EmotionalAttributeModalCtrl ,
resolve : {
attributeName : function ( ) {
return attributeName ;
} ,
questions : function ( ) {
return questions ;
} ,
displayEmotionalMath : function ( ) {
return serverSettings . displayAttrMath ;
} ,
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( selected ) {
$scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults [ attributeName ] = selected ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . chooseCharacterToLoad = function ( ) {
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/choose_character_partial' ,
controller : ChooseCharacterModalCtrl ,
resolve : {
characterStorage : function ( ) {
return $scope . characterStorage ;
} ,
message : function ( ) {
return "Choose Character to Load" ;
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( selected ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User selected:" ) ;
console . log ( selected ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selected . length ; i ++ ) {
console . log ( selected [ i ] ) ;
$scope . loadCharacterFromServer ( selected ) ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . chooseCharacterToDelete = function ( ) {
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/choose_character_partial' ,
controller : ChooseCharacterModalCtrl ,
resolve : {
characterStorage : function ( ) {
return $scope . characterStorage ;
} ,
message : function ( ) {
return "Choose Character to Delete" ;
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( selected ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User selected:" ) ;
console . log ( selected ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selected . length ; i ++ ) {
console . log ( selected [ i ] ) ;
$scope . deleteCharacterOnServer ( selected ) ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . chooseTraitUsingAdvancedSearch = function ( ) {
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/choose_trait_partial' ,
controller : TraitSearchModalCtrl ,
resolve : {
specialTraitsForDisplay : function ( ) {
return $scope . specialTraitsForDisplay ;
} ,
totalTraitPoints : function ( ) {
return $scope . totalTraitPoints ;
} ,
unspentTraitPoints : function ( ) {
return $scope . unspentTraitPoints ;
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( selected ) {
console . log ( "TraitSearchModalCtrl: User selected:" ) ;
console . log ( selected ) ;
$scope . addSpecialTrait ( selected ) ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . showUploadCharacterModal = function ( ) {
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/upload_character_partial' ,
controller : UploadCharacterModalCtrl
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: Uploaded character" ) ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . chooseStatPenalties = function ( lifepath , amount ) {
var modalInstance = $modal . open ( {
templateUrl : '/choose_stat_penalty_partial' ,
controller : StatPenaltyModalCtrl ,
resolve : {
lifepath : function ( ) {
return lifepath ;
} ,
amount : function ( ) {
return amount ;
} ) ;
modalInstance . result . then ( function ( pool ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User selected " , pool ) ;
// Now we want to modify the lifepath so that the 'either'
// penalty is removed and replaced with the physical and mental
// penalties the user selected. The returned penalties are positive.
var p = - pool . physical ;
var m = - pool . mental ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < displayLp . stat . length ; i ++ ) {
var stat = displayLp . stat [ i ] ;
if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'p' ) {
p += stat [ 0 ]
else if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'm' ) {
m += stat [ 0 ]
displayLp . stat = [ [ p , 'p' ] , [ m , 'm' ] ] ;
calculateTotalStatPoints ( $scope , burningData ) ;
calculateUnspentStatPoints ( $scope ) ;
} , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Modal: User cancelled" ) ;
} ) ;
function ConfigCtrl ( $scope , settings , appropriateWeapons ) {
$scope . enforceLifepathReqts = settings . enforceLifepathReqts
$scope . enforcePointLimits = settings . enforcePointLimits
$scope . appropriateWeapons = appropriateWeapons . appropriateWeapons ;
// Export the hashKeys function
$scope . hashKeys = hashKeys ;
$scope . currentAppropriateWeaponLifepath = null ;
$scope . applySettings = function ( ) {
settings . enforceLifepathReqts = $scope . enforceLifepathReqts ;
settings . enforcePointLimits = $scope . enforcePointLimits ;
$scope . editAppropriateWeapons = function ( ) {
if ( $scope . currentAppropriateWeaponLifepath ) {
appropriateWeapons . selectAppropriateWeaponsByLifepathName ( $scope . currentAppropriateWeaponLifepath , null ) ;
$scope . deleteAppropriateWeapons = function ( ) {
if ( $scope . currentAppropriateWeaponLifepath ) {
delete appropriateWeapons . appropriateWeapons [ $scope . currentAppropriateWeaponLifepath ] ;
function onLifepathsLoad ( $scope , burningData ) {
calculateSettingNames ( $scope , burningData ) ;
$scope . onSettingChange ( ) ;
calculateSpecialTraitsForDisplay ( $scope , burningData ) ;
function calculateAge ( $scope ) {
var age = 0 ;
var lastSetting = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
if ( lastSetting && lastSetting != displayLp . setting && $scope . stock != "wolf" ) {
// New setting. Increase age by 1. Wolves don't suffer this penalty.
age += 1 ;
lastSetting = displayLp . setting ;
age += displayLp . time ;
$scope . age = age ;
function calculateSettingNames ( $scope , burningData ) {
var settingNames = null ;
var lastCurrentSetting = $scope . currentSetting ;
if ( ! $scope . enforceLifepathReqts ) {
// Display all settings and subsettings
settingNames = [ ] ;
for ( key in burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] ) {
settingNames . push ( key ) ;
else if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths . length == 0 ) {
// All settings are allowed. Subsettings have no Born lifepath so don't include them.
settingNames = [ ] ;
for ( key in burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] ) {
if ( key . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "subsetting" ) < 0 ) {
settingNames . push ( key ) ;
else {
// Only settings that are leads from the last lifepath are allowed
var lastLifepath = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ $scope . selectedLifepaths . length - 1 ] ;
settingNames = [ ] ;
var all = Object . keys ( burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < all . length ; i ++ ) {
//console.log("calculateSettingNames: checking if '"+all[i]+"' is allowed");
var setting = all [ i ] ;
if ( lastLifepath . setting == setting ) {
settingNames . push ( setting ) ;
continue ;
if ( lastLifepath . leads ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < lastLifepath . keyLeads . length ; j ++ ) {
var lead = lastLifepath . keyLeads [ j ] ;
//console.log("calculateSettingNames: checking lead: '"+lead+"' is allowed");
if ( setting == lead ) {
settingNames . push ( setting ) ;
$scope . settingNames = settingNames ;
var currentSettingNeedsUpdate = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . settingNames . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . settingNames [ i ] == lastCurrentSetting ) {
currentSettingNeedsUpdate = false ;
break ;
if ( currentSettingNeedsUpdate && $scope . settingNames . length > 0 ) {
$scope . currentSetting = $scope . settingNames [ 0 ] ;
function calculatePTGS ( $scope ) {
$scope . ptgs . calculate ( $scope . statsByName [ 'Forte' ] . exp ( ) , $scope . attribute ( "Mortal Wound" ) . exp )
function isBornLifepath ( lifepathName ) {
return lifepathName . indexOf ( "Born" ) >= 0 ||
lifepathName == "Son Of A Gun" ||
lifepathName == "Gifted Child" ;
function calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames ( $scope , burningData ) {
var currentSettingLifepathNames = null ;
if ( $scope . enforceLifepathReqts ) {
//console.log("calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames: enforce lifepath requirements is enabled");
currentSettingLifepathNames = [ ] ;
var all = Object . keys ( burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ $scope . currentSetting ] )
// Filter out the names that are not allowed based on the character's lifepaths.
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths . length == 0 ) {
// Only "Born" lifepaths are allowed
for ( var i = 0 ; i < all . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( isBornLifepath ( all [ i ] ) ) {
currentSettingLifepathNames . push ( all [ i ] ) ;
else {
var lifepathNames = Object . keys ( burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ $scope . currentSetting ] )
for ( var j = 0 ; j < lifepathNames . length ; j ++ ) {
var lifepathName = lifepathNames [ j ] ;
if ( isBornLifepath ( lifepathName ) )
continue ;
var rexpr = burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ $scope . currentSetting ] [ lifepathName ] . requires _expr
if ( rexpr ) {
var result = areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied ( $scope , rexpr ) ;
//console.log(settingName + ":" + lifepathName + " allowed: " + (result[0] ? "yes" : "no"));
//console.log("rexpr: " + rexpr);
if ( result [ 0 ] ) {
//console.log("calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames: added because lifepath has reqts, which are met: " + lifepathName);
currentSettingLifepathNames . push ( lifepathName ) ;
else {
//console.log("calculateCurrentSettingLifepathNames: not added because lifepath has reqts, which not are met: " + lifepathName);
else {
currentSettingLifepathNames . push ( lifepathName ) ;
else {
currentSettingLifepathNames = Object . keys ( burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ $scope . currentSetting ] ) ;
$scope . currentSettingLifepathNames = currentSettingLifepathNames ;
var currentSettingLifepathIsPresent = false ;
if ( $scope . currentSettingLifepathNames . length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . currentSettingLifepathNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var name = $scope . currentSettingLifepathNames [ i ] ;
if ( name == $scope . currentSettingLifepath ) {
currentSettingLifepathIsPresent = true ;
break ;
if ( ! currentSettingLifepathIsPresent )
$scope . currentSettingLifepath = $scope . currentSettingLifepathNames [ 0 ] ;
function calculateTotalStatPoints ( $scope , burningData ) {
var totalStatPoints = { "physical" : 0 , "mental" : 0 , "either" : 0 } ;
$scope . totalStatPoints = { "physical" : 0 , "mental" : 0 , "either" : 0 } ;
var mp = burningData . startingStatPts [ $scope . stock ] . lookup ( $scope . age ) ;
totalStatPoints . mental = mp [ 0 ] ;
totalStatPoints . physical = mp [ 1 ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < displayLp . stat . length ; j ++ ) {
var stat = displayLp . stat [ j ]
if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'p' ) {
totalStatPoints . physical += stat [ 0 ] ;
else if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'm' ) {
totalStatPoints . mental += stat [ 0 ] ;
else if ( stat [ 1 ] == 'pm' || stat [ 1 ] == 'mp' ) {
totalStatPoints . either += stat [ 0 ] ;
$scope . totalStatPoints = totalStatPoints ;
/ *
Preconditions : totalStatPoints is up to date .
* /
function calculateUnspentStatPoints ( $scope ) {
var unspentStatPoints = {
"physical" : $scope . totalStatPoints . physical ,
"mental" : $scope . totalStatPoints . mental ,
"either" : $scope . totalStatPoints . either
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
var stat = $scope . stats [ i ] ;
unspentStatPoints . mental -= stat . mentalPointsSpent ;
unspentStatPoints . physical -= stat . physicalPointsSpent ;
unspentStatPoints . either -= stat . eitherPointsSpent ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints = unspentStatPoints ;
/ *
Based on the chosen lifepaths , make a set of skills that the character
can or must take .
* /
function calculateLifepathSkills ( $scope , burningData , appropriateWeapons ) {
var lifepathSkills = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
appropriateWeapons . replaceAppropriateWeaponsUsingSaved ( displayLp ) ;
displayLp . replaceWeaponOfChoice ( ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < displayLp . skills . length ; j ++ ) {
var name = displayLp . skills [ j ] ;
if ( name != "General" ) {
lifepathSkills [ name ] = new DisplaySkill ( name , burningData . skills ) ;
$scope . lifepathSkills = lifepathSkills ;
function calculateTotalSkillPoints ( $scope ) {
var totalSkillPoints = { "lifepath" : 0 , "general" : 0 }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
totalSkillPoints . lifepath += displayLp . lifepathSkillPts ;
totalSkillPoints . general += displayLp . generalSkillPts ;
$scope . totalSkillPoints = totalSkillPoints
function calculateUnspentSkillPoints ( $scope ) {
var unspentSkillPoints = {
"lifepath" : $scope . totalSkillPoints . lifepath ,
"general" : $scope . totalSkillPoints . general
for ( var key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) {
var skill = $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ]
unspentSkillPoints . lifepath -= skill . lifepathPointsSpent ;
unspentSkillPoints . general -= skill . generalPointsSpent ;
for ( var key in $scope . generalSkills ) {
var skill = $scope . generalSkills [ key ]
unspentSkillPoints . lifepath -= skill . lifepathPointsSpent ;
unspentSkillPoints . general -= skill . generalPointsSpent ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints = unspentSkillPoints ;
function openRequiredSkills ( $scope ) {
var required = skillsRequiredToBeOpened ( $scope . selectedLifepaths ) ;
var unspentSkillPoints = {
"lifepath" : $scope . unspentSkillPoints . lifepath ,
"general" : $scope . unspentSkillPoints . general
for ( var key in required ) {
// Do nothing if the skill is already opened
if ( $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . pointsSpent ( ) > 0 ) {
continue ;
if ( $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . exp ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) == 0 ) {
if ( $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . isTraining || $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . isMagic ) {
$scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . lifepathPointsSpent += 2 ;
unspentSkillPoints . lifepath -= 2 ;
} else {
$scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] . lifepathPointsSpent += 1 ;
unspentSkillPoints . lifepath -= 1 ;
$scope . unspentSkillPoints = unspentSkillPoints ;
/ *
Return a hash of skill names that are required to be open
due to lifepaths .
* /
function skillsRequiredToBeOpened ( lifepaths ) {
var skillHash = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < lifepaths [ i ] . skills . length ; j ++ ) {
var skillName = lifepaths [ i ] . skills [ j ] ;
if ( ! ( skillName in skillHash ) ) {
skillHash [ skillName ] = 1 ;
break ;
return skillHash ;
/ *
When a lifepath is removed , the stat points spent may be more than the available ,
leading to a negative amount available . This method attempts to correct the situation
by lowering the spent points .
* /
function correctStatPoints ( $scope ) {
correctStatPointsHelperLowerPointsOfType ( $scope , 'physical' , 'physicalPointsSpent' ) ;
correctStatPointsHelperLowerPointsOfType ( $scope , 'mental' , 'mentalPointsSpent' ) ;
correctStatPointsHelperLowerPointsOfType ( $scope , 'either' , 'eitherPointsSpent' ) ;
/ *
Helper function used by correctStatPoints . This function tries to correct the deficit in
$scope . unspentStatPoints for the specified 'unspentStatField' ( one of physical , mental , or either )
by unspending points from the stats , using the field 'displayStatField'
( one of physicalPointsSpent , mentalPointsSpent , eitherPointsSpent )
* /
function correctStatPointsHelperLowerPointsOfType ( $scope , unspentStatField , displayStatField ) {
if ( $scope . unspentStatPoints [ unspentStatField ] < 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
var needed = - $scope . unspentStatPoints [ unspentStatField ] ;
if ( needed == 0 ) {
break ;
if ( $scope . stats [ i ] [ displayStatField ] > 0 ) {
if ( $scope . stats [ i ] [ displayStatField ] >= needed ) {
$scope . stats [ i ] [ displayStatField ] -= needed ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints [ unspentStatField ] += needed ;
else {
$scope . unspentStatPoints [ unspentStatField ] += $scope . stats [ i ] [ displayStatField ] ;
$scope . stats [ i ] [ displayStatField ] = 0 ;
lowered = true ;
/ * I f t h e u s e r a d d s s o m e g e n e r a l s k i l l s t o t h e c h a r a c t e r a n d t h e n a d d s a l i f e p a t h t h a t h a s t h o s e s k i l l s ,
then those skills should be removed from the general list , and the points spent on them refunded . * /
function removeLifepathSkillsFromGeneralSkills ( $scope ) {
for ( var key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) {
if ( key in $scope . generalSkills ) {
var displaySkill = $scope . generalSkills [ key ] ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . physical += displaySkill . physicalPointsSpent ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . mental += displaySkill . mentalPointsSpent ;
$scope . unspentStatPoints . either += displaySkill . eitherPointsSpent ;
delete $scope . generalSkills [ key ]
function calculateLifepathTraits ( $scope , burningData ) {
var lifepathTraits = { } ;
var totalTraitPoints = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
totalTraitPoints += displayLp . traitPts ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < displayLp . traits . length ; j ++ ) {
var name = displayLp . traits [ j ] ;
lifepathTraits [ name ] = new DisplayTrait ( name , burningData . traits ) ;
$scope . lifepathTraits = lifepathTraits ;
$scope . totalTraitPoints = totalTraitPoints ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints = totalTraitPoints ;
function setCommonTraits ( $scope , burningData ) {
var commonTraits = { }
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths . length == 0 )
return ;
var common = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ 0 ] . commonTraits ;
if ( common . length > 0 ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < common . length ; j ++ ) {
var name = common [ j ] ;
commonTraits [ name ] = new DisplayTrait ( name , burningData . traits ) ;
$scope . commonTraits = commonTraits ;
function purchaseRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) {
var requiredTraits = { } ;
var unspentTraitPoints = $scope . unspentTraitPoints ;
var required = traitsRequiredToBeOpened ( $scope . selectedLifepaths ) ;
for ( name in required ) {
requiredTraits [ name ] = new DisplayTrait ( name , burningData . traits ) ;
unspentTraitPoints -= 1 ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints = unspentTraitPoints ;
$scope . requiredTraits = requiredTraits ;
function addBrutalLifeRequiredTraits ( $scope , burningData ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var lp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
if ( lp . brutalLifeTraitName ) {
var trait = new DisplayTrait ( lp . brutalLifeTraitName , burningData . traits ) ;
$scope . requiredTraits [ lp . brutalLifeTraitName ] = trait ;
/ *
Return a hash of trait names that are required to be open
due to lifepaths .
* /
function traitsRequiredToBeOpened ( lifepaths ) {
var traitHash = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < lifepaths [ i ] . traits . length ; j ++ ) {
var traitName = lifepaths [ i ] . traits [ j ] ;
if ( ! ( traitName in traitHash ) ) {
traitHash [ traitName ] = 1 ;
break ;
return traitHash ;
function calculateUnspentTraitPoints ( $scope ) {
var unspentTraitPoints = $scope . totalTraitPoints ;
var required = hashValues ( $scope . requiredTraits ) ;
unspentTraitPoints -= required . length ;
var purchased = hashValues ( $scope . purchasedTraits ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < purchased . length ; i ++ ) {
var trait = purchased [ i ] ;
if ( trait . name in $scope . lifepathTraits ) {
unspentTraitPoints -= 1 ;
} else {
unspentTraitPoints -= trait . cost ;
$scope . unspentTraitPoints = unspentTraitPoints ;
/ *
rexpr are the requires _expr . Returns a two - element list .
The first element is true if the requirements are satisifed , false
otherwise . The second element are any extra conditions if the first
element is true . These extra conditions semantically descibe extra conditions
that must _later _ be met , for example " the requirements are satisfied as long as
the character takes the trait 'your grace' "
The extra conditions supported so far are only a list of trait names .
* /
function areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied ( $scope , rexpr ) {
// make lookup tables
var selectedLifepathsByName = { }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
selectedLifepathsByName [ $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) ] = true ;
var selectedLifepathsBySettingAndName = { }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
selectedLifepathsBySettingAndName [ $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . setting . toLowerCase ( ) + ":" + $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) ] = true ;
var checkHasLifepathIn = function ( rexpr ) {
// This is a [+has_lifepath_in, lp1, lp2, ...] OR [lifepath, lifepath] array.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < rexpr . length ; i ++ ) {
var s = rexpr [ i ]
if ( i == 0 && s . substring ( 0 , 1 ) == "+" )
continue ;
// Does the requirement list the required lifepath as setting:name or just name?
if ( s . indexOf ( ":" ) < 0 ) {
if ( selectedLifepathsByName [ s ] )
return [ true , [ ] ] ;
else {
if ( selectedLifepathsBySettingAndName [ s ] )
return [ true , [ ] ] ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
var checkHasSex = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: sex predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ rexpr [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) == $scope . gender . toLowerCase ( ) , [ ] ] ;
var checkHasNLifepathsIn = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 3 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: has_n_lifepaths_in predicate is length < 3 when it must be 3" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
var requiredCount = rexpr [ 1 ] ;
var actualCount = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var lifepath = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ]
for ( var j = 2 ; j < rexpr . length ; j ++ ) {
var s = rexpr [ j ]
// Does the requirement list the required lifepath as setting:name or just name?
var lpName = null ;
if ( s . indexOf ( ":" ) < 0 ) {
// simple name
lpName = lifepath . name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} else {
lpName = lifepath . setting . toLowerCase ( ) + ":" + lifepath . name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( lpName == s ) {
actualCount += 1 ;
break ;
return [ actualCount >= requiredCount , [ ] ] ;
var checkHasNLifepathsOrMore = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: has_n_lifepaths_or_more predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ $scope . selectedLifepaths . length >= rexpr [ 1 ] , [ ] ] ;
var checkHasNLifepathsOrLess = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: has_n_lifepaths_or_less predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ $scope . selectedLifepaths . length <= rexpr [ 1 ] , [ ] ] ;
var checkAgeLessThan = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: age_less_than predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ $scope . age < rexpr [ 1 ] , [ ] ] ;
var checkAgeGreaterThan = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: age_greater_than predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ $scope . age > rexpr [ 1 ] , [ ] ] ;
var checkTrait = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: trait predicate is length < 2 when it must be 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
return [ true , [ rexpr [ 1 ] ] ]
var checkExpr = function ( type , rexpr ) {
if ( type != "or" && type != "and" ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: checkExpr called with neither 'or' nor 'and'" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
if ( rexpr . length < 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: '" + type + "' expression is length < 2 when it must be 2 or more" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
var result ;
if ( type == "or" ) {
result = false ;
} else {
result = true ;
var conditions = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < rexpr . length ; i ++ ) {
// Each element in an expression is itself an expression or a predicate.
var newRexpr = rexpr [ i ] ;
var evalResult = areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied ( $scope , newRexpr ) ;
if ( type == "or" ) {
if ( evalResult [ 0 ] ) {
result = true ;
conditions = evalResult [ 1 ] ;
break ;
} else {
// and
if ( ! evalResult [ 0 ] ) {
result = false ;
break ;
// Append any returned conditions in newRexpr.
for ( var j = 0 ; j < evalResult [ 1 ] . length ; j ++ ) {
conditions . push ( evalResult [ 1 ] [ j ] ) ;
if ( ! result ) {
conditions = [ ] ;
return [ result , conditions ] ;
var checkNotExpr = function ( rexpr ) {
if ( rexpr . length != 2 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: '" + type + "' expression is length " + rexpr . length + " when it must exactly 2" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
var evalResult = areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied ( $scope , rexpr [ 1 ] ) ;
return [ ! evalResult [ 0 ] , evalResult [ 1 ] ] ;
// evaluate expression
if ( rexpr . length < 1 ) {
console . log ( "Error in areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied when evaluating expression: expression is length 0!" ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
var type = rexpr [ 0 ]
if ( type == "+has_lifepath_in" || type . substring ( 0 , 1 ) != "+" ) {
return checkHasLifepathIn ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+sex" ) {
return checkHasSex ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+has_n_lifepaths_in" ) {
return checkHasNLifepathsIn ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+has_n_lifepaths_or_more" ) {
return checkHasNLifepathsOrMore ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+has_n_lifepaths_or_less" ) {
return checkHasNLifepathsOrLess ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+age_less_than" ) {
return checkAgeLessThan ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+age_greater_than" ) {
return checkAgeGreaterThan ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+trait" ) {
return checkTrait ( rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+and" ) {
return checkExpr ( "and" , rexpr )
} else if ( type == "+or" ) {
return checkExpr ( "or" , rexpr ) ;
} else if ( type == "+not" ) {
return checkNotExpr ( rexpr ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "No support for lifepath requirement expression " + type ) ;
return [ false , [ ] ] ;
function weaponSkillsNames ( ) {
return [ "Axe" , "Bow" , "Cudgel" , "Crossbow" , "Firearms" , "Firebombs" , "Hammer" , "Knives" , "Lance" , "Mace" , "Polearm" , "Spear" , "Staff" , "Sword" ]
// Perform some simple validation on the char struct to ensure it seems mostly legit.
function characterStructValid ( charStruct ) {
if ( ! ( "serialize_version" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "name" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "gender" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "stock" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "lifepaths" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "stats" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "skills" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "traits" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "gear" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "property" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "relationships" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "reputations" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ( "affiliations" in charStruct ) )
return false ;
return true ;
function calculateTraitWarnings ( $scope , burningData ) {
// Make lookup maps of traits using lower-case trait names
var allTakenTraitNames = { } ;
for ( var key in $scope . purchasedTraits ) {
allTakenTraitNames [ key . toLowerCase ( ) ] = 1 ;
for ( var key in $scope . requiredTraits ) {
allTakenTraitNames [ key . toLowerCase ( ) ] = 1 ;
var traitWarnings = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var selectedLifepath = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
// Check the requirements for this lifepath to see if there are extra conditions.
var rexpr = burningData . lifepaths [ $scope . stock ] [ selectedLifepath . setting ] [ selectedLifepath . name ] . requires _expr
if ( rexpr ) {
var result = areLifepathRequirementsSatisfied ( $scope , rexpr ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < result [ 1 ] . length ; k ++ ) {
var trait = result [ 1 ] [ k ] ;
if ( ! ( trait in allTakenTraitNames ) ) {
traitWarnings . push ( "You must take the '" + trait + "' trait to satisfy the '" + selectedLifepath . name + "' lifepath requirements." ) ;
$scope . lifepathTraitWarnings = traitWarnings ;
function applyBonusesFromTraits ( $scope ) {
var traitBonuses = new TraitBonuses ( ) ;
//**** Calculate bonuses
for ( var key in $scope . purchasedTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . purchasedTraits [ key ] ;
traitBonuses . addTrait ( key , displayTrait ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . requiredTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . requiredTraits [ key ] ;
traitBonuses . addTrait ( key , displayTrait ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . commonTraits ) {
var displayTrait = $scope . commonTraits [ key ] ;
traitBonuses . addTrait ( key , displayTrait ) ;
//**** Apply bonuses
//** Skills
for ( var key in $scope . lifepathSkills ) {
var displaySkill = $scope . lifepathSkills [ key ] ;
displaySkill . bonus = traitBonuses . getAddBonusesForSkill ( key ) ;
displaySkill . roundUp = traitBonuses . getRoundUpBonusForSkill ( displaySkill ) ;
for ( var key in $scope . generalSkills ) {
var displaySkill = $scope . generalSkills [ key ] ;
displaySkill . bonus = traitBonuses . getAddBonusesForSkill ( key ) ;
displaySkill . roundUp = traitBonuses . getRoundUpBonusForSkill ( displaySkill ) ;
//** Attributes
var attrNames = $scope . attributeNames ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attrNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var attrName = attrNames [ i ] ;
$scope . attributeBonuses [ attrName ] = traitBonuses . getAddBonusesForAttr ( attrName ) ;
//** Stats
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . stats . length ; i ++ ) {
var statName = $scope . stats [ i ] . name ;
$scope . stats [ i ] . bonus = traitBonuses . getAddBonusesForStat ( statName ) ;
/ *
Compute which traits the user can add as special traits . This value depends on character stock so
this function should be called when stock changes .
* /
function calculateSpecialTraitsForDisplay ( $scope , burningData ) {
var list = [ ] ;
for ( var traitName in burningData . traits ) {
var trait = burningData . traits [ traitName ] ;
if ( 'restrict' in trait ) {
if ( trait . restrict . indexOf ( validStockToRestrictionStock ( $scope . stock ) ) >= 0 &&
( trait . restrict . indexOf ( "special" ) >= 0 || trait . restrict . indexOf ( "character" ) >= 0 ) ) {
list . push ( new DisplayTrait ( traitName , burningData . traits ) ) ;
} else {
// No restriction! As long as cost > 0 (cost 0 is for traits with no cost; not purchaseable)
if ( trait . cost > 0 ) {
list . push ( new DisplayTrait ( traitName , burningData . traits ) ) ;
if ( list . length > 0 && list . indexOf ( $scope . currentSpecialTrait ) < 0 ) {
$scope . currentSpecialTrait = list [ 0 ] ;
$scope . specialTraitsForDisplay = list ;
function calculateTotalResourcePoints ( $scope ) {
var totalResourcePoints = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
var displayLp = $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] ;
totalResourcePoints += displayLp . resourcePts ;
$scope . totalResourcePoints = totalResourcePoints ;
function calculateUnspentResourcePoints ( $scope ) {
var unspentResourcePoints = $scope . totalResourcePoints ;
var reduce = function ( vals ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < vals . length ; i ++ ) {
var display = vals [ i ] ;
unspentResourcePoints -= display . cost ;
reduce ( hashValues ( $scope . relationships ) ) ;
reduce ( hashValues ( $scope . gear ) ) ;
reduce ( hashValues ( $scope . property ) ) ;
reduce ( hashValues ( $scope . affiliations ) ) ;
reduce ( hashValues ( $scope . reputations ) ) ;
$scope . unspentResourcePoints = unspentResourcePoints ;
function isValidStock ( stock ) {
return stock == "man" || stock == "elf" || stock == "orc" || stock == "dwarf" || stock == "roden" || stock == "wolf" ;
function restrictionStockToValidStock ( stock ) {
if ( stock == "mannish" )
return "man" ;
else if ( stock == "elven" )
return "elf" ;
else if ( stock == "orcish" )
return "orc" ;
else if ( stock == "dwarven" )
return "dwarf" ;
else if ( stock == "wolfish" )
return "wolf" ;
else if ( stock == "roden" )
return "roden" ;
function validStockToRestrictionStock ( stock ) {
if ( stock == "man" )
return "mannish" ;
else if ( stock == "elf" )
return "elven" ;
else if ( stock == "orc" )
return "orcish" ;
else if ( stock == "dwarf" )
return "dwarven" ;
else if ( stock == "roden" )
return "roden" ;
else if ( stock == "wolf" )
return "wolfish" ;
function attributeModifyingQuestions ( $scope , attribute )
var result = [ ] ;
var ageMod = function ( age ) {
return function ( ) {
return ( $scope . age > age ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( attribute == "Greed" )
var willMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . statsByName [ "Will" ] . exp ( ) <= 4 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var resMod = function ( ) {
return Math . floor ( $scope . totalResourcePoints / 60 ) ;
var twohundredMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . age > 200 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var fourhundredMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . age > 400 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var lpMod = function ( ) {
var greedyLps = { "trader" : 1 , "mask bearer" : 1 , "master of arches" : 1 , "master of forges" : 1 , "master engraver" : 1 , "treasurer" : 1 , "quartermaster" : 1 , "seneschal" : 1 , "prince" : 1 }
var greed = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) in greedyLps ) {
greed ++ ;
return greed ;
var relMod = function ( ) {
var greed = 0 ;
var rels = hashValues ( $scope . relationships ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < rels . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( rels [ i ] . isHateful ) {
greed ++ ;
if ( rels [ i ] . isImmedFam )
greed ++ ;
else if ( rels [ i ] . isRomantic ) {
greed -- ;
return greed ;
result . push (
{ question : "+1 Greed if Will exponent is 4 or lower." , computed : true , compute : willMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Greed for every 60 resource points." , computed : true , compute : resMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Greed for each of the following lifepaths: Trader, Mask-Bearer, Master of Arches, Master of Forges, Master Engraver, Treasurer, Quartermaster, Seneschal or Prince." , computed : true , compute : lpMod } ,
{ question : "Has your character coveted something owned by another?" , math _label : "(+1 Greed)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has your character ever stolen something he coveted?" , math _label : "(+1 Greed)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has your character ever had his prized treasure stolen from him?" , math _label : "(+1 Greed)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has your character ever been in the presence of the master craftsmanship of the Dwarven Fathers?" , math _label : "(+1 Greed)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has your character witnessed an outsider (Elf, Man, Orc, Roden, etc.) in possession of a work of Dwarven Art?" , math _label : "(+1 Greed)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Greed if the character is over 200 years old." , computed : true , compute : ageMod ( 200 ) } ,
{ question : "+1 Greed if the character is over 400 years old." , computed : true , compute : ageMod ( 400 ) } ,
{ question : "Each romantic relationship is -1 Greed. Each hateful relationship is +1 Greed. A hateful immediate family member is +2 Greed." , computed : true , compute : relMod }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Health" )
var stockMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . stock == "orc" || $scope . stock == "dwarf" || $scope . stock == "elf" ? 1 : 0 ) ;
result . push (
{ question : "Does the character live in squalor and filth?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Is the character frail or sickly?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Was the character severely wounded in the past?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been tortured and enslaved?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Health if the character is a Dwarf, Elf, or Orc." , computed : true , compute : stockMod } ,
{ question : "Is the character athletic and active?" , math _label : "(+1 Health)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Does the character live in a really clean and happy place, like the hills in the Sound of Music?" , math _label : "(+1 Health)" , modifier : 1 }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Steel" )
var lpMod = function ( )
// "herald":1, "bannerman":1, "scout":1, "sergeant":1, "veteran":1, "cavalryman":1, "captain":1, "military order":1}
var steelyLps = { "conscript" : 1 , "squire" : 1 , "knight" : 1 , "bandit" : 1 , "pirate" : 1 , "military order" : 1 , "sword singer" : 1 } ;
var steelySettings = { "professional soldier subsetting" : 1 , "black legion subsetting" : 1 , "dwarven host subsetting" : 1 , "protector subsetting" : 1 } ;
var steel = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) in steelyLps || $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . setting . toLowerCase ( ) in steelySettings ) {
steel = 1 ;
break ;
return steel ;
var woundMod = function ( )
if ( lpMod ( ) > 0 ) {
return 1 ;
return - 1 ;
var tortureMod = function ( )
var will = $scope . statsByName [ 'Will' ] . exp ( ) ;
if ( will > 4 )
return 1 ;
else if ( will < 4 )
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
var traitMod = function ( )
return ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Gifted" ) || $scope . hasTrait ( "Faithful" ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var percMod = function ( )
return ( $scope . statsByName [ 'Perception' ] . exp ( ) >= 6 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var willMod = function ( )
var will = $scope . statsByName [ 'Will' ] . exp ( ) ;
var mod = 0 ;
if ( will > 5 )
mod ++ ;
if ( will > 7 )
mod ++ ;
return mod ;
var forteMod = function ( )
return ( $scope . statsByName [ 'Forte' ] . exp ( ) >= 6 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
result . push (
{ question : "+1 Steel if the character taken a conscript, soldier, bandit, squire or knight type lifepath." , computed : true , compute : lpMod } ,
{ question : "Has the character ever been severely wounded?" , math _label : "(+1 Steel if combat lifepath taken/-1 Steel if not)" , computeModifier : true , compute : woundMod } ,
{ question : "Has the character ever murdered or killed with his own hand more than once?" , math _label : "(+1 Steel)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been tortured, enslaved or beaten terribly over time?" , math _label : "(+1 Steel if Will is > 4, -1 Steel if Will < 4, +0 if Will is 4)" , computeModifier : true , compute : tortureMod } ,
{ question : "Has the character lead a sheltered life, free of violence and pain?" , math _label : "(-1 Steel)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been raised in a competitive (but non-violent) culture - sports, debate, strategy games, courting?" , math _label : "(+1 Steel)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character given birth to a child?" , math _label : "(+1 Steel)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Steel if the character Gifted, Faithful or an equivalent." , computed : true , compute : traitMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Steel if the character's Perception exponent is 6 or higher." , computed : true , compute : percMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Steel if the character's Will exponent is 5 or higher; an additional +1 if it's 7 or higher." , computed : true , compute : willMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Steel if the character's Forte exponent is 6 or higher." , computed : true , compute : forteMod }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Health" )
var stockMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . stock == "orc" || $scope . stock == "dwarf" || $scope . stock == "elf" ? 1 : 0 ) ;
result . push (
{ question : "Does the character live in squalor and filth?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Is the character frail or sickly?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Was the character severely wounded in the past?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been tortured and enslaved?" , math _label : "(-1 Health)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Health if the character is a Dwarf, Elf, or Orc." , computed : true , compute : stockMod } ,
{ question : "Is the character athletic and active?" , math _label : "(+1 Health)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Does the character live in a really clean and happy place, like the hills in the Sound of Music?" , math _label : "(+1 Health)" , modifier : 1 }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Grief" )
var protectMod = function ( ) {
var grief = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . setting . toLowerCase ( ) == "protector subsetting" ) {
grief = 1 ;
break ;
return grief ;
var lpMod1 = function ( ) {
var lps = { "lancer" : 1 , "lieutenant" : 1 , "captain" : 1 } ;
var lps2 = { "lord protector" : 1 , "soother" : 1 } ;
var grief1 = 0 ;
var grief2 = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) in lps )
grief1 = 1 ;
if ( grief2 > 0 )
break ;
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) in lps2 )
grief2 = 1 ;
if ( grief1 > 0 )
break ;
return grief1 + grief2 ;
var etharchMod = function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) == "born etharch" ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
var lpMod2 = function ( ) {
var lps = { "loremaster" : 1 , "adjutant" : 1 , "althing" : 1 } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) in lps )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
var elderMod = function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . name . toLowerCase ( ) == "elder" ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
var lamentMod = function ( ) {
var skills = $scope . allSelectedSkills ( ) ;
for ( key in skills )
var skill = skills [ key ] ;
// Dark Elves have no laments, therefore we check if the skill is a lament BEFORE we calculate
// the exponent because we don't want to it to get sent into an infinite loop, i.e.
// calculate spite -> calc grief -> calc spite skill exponent -> spite -> grief -> ...
if ( beginsWith ( key . toLowerCase ( ) , "lament" ) && skill . exp ( $scope . statsForSkillCalc ) > 0 )
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
var steelMod = function ( ) {
var steel = $scope . attribute ( 'Steel' ) . exp ;
var mod = 0 ;
if ( steel > 5 )
mod = steel - 5 ;
return mod ;
var percMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . statsByName [ 'Perception' ] . exp ( ) > 5 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
result . push (
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character has taken any Protector lifepath." , computed : true , compute : protectMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character has been a Lancer, Lieutenant or Captain; Additional +1 if the character has been a Lord Protector or Soother" , computed : true , compute : lpMod1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character was Born Etharch" , computed : true , compute : etharchMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character has been a Loremaster, Adjutant or Althing" , computed : true , compute : lpMod2 } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character has taken the Elder lifepath" , computed : true , compute : elderMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character doesn't know any Lamentations" , computed : true , compute : lamentMod } ,
{ question : "Does the character's history include tragedy?" , math _label : "(+1 Grief)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character lived among non-Elven people?" , math _label : "(+1 Grief)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief for each point of Steel above 5." , computed : true , compute : steelMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the characters Perception is above 5." , computed : true , compute : percMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character is over 500 years old." , computed : true , compute : ageMod ( 500 ) } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character is over 750 years old." , computed : true , compute : ageMod ( 750 ) } ,
{ question : "+1 Grief if the character is over 1000 years old." , computed : true , compute : ageMod ( 1000 ) }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Spite" )
var griefMod = function ( ) {
var grief = $scope . attribute ( "Grief" ) . exp
return grief ;
var traitsMod = function ( ) {
var val = 0 ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Slayer' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Exile' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Feral' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Murderous' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Saturnine' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Femme Fatale/Homme Fatale' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Cold' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Bitter' ) )
val ++ ;
return val ;
result . push (
{ question : "+1 Spite for every point of Grief" , computed : true , compute : griefMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Spite for each of several spiteful traits" , computed : true , compute : traitsMod } ,
{ question : "Has the character been betrayed by their friends?" , math _label : "(+1 Spite)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Is the character lovesick or broken hearted?" , math _label : "(+1 Spite)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been abandoned by those they held dear?" , math _label : "(+1 Spite)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character been abused or tortured?" , math _label : "(+1 Spite)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Does the character still respect or admire someone on the other side?" , math _label : "(-1 Spite)" , modifier : - 1 } ,
{ question : "Does the character still love someone on the other side?" , math _label : "(-2 Spite)" , modifier : - 2 }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Hatred" )
var brutalMod = function ( ) {
var count = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $scope . selectedLifepaths . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( $scope . selectedLifepaths [ i ] . brutalLifeTraitName ) {
count ++ ;
return count ;
var willMod = function ( )
var will = $scope . statsByName [ 'Will' ] . exp ( ) ;
return ( will <= 2 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var steelMod = function ( ) {
var steel = $scope . attribute ( 'Steel' ) . exp ;
return ( steel >= 5 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var percMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . statsByName [ 'Perception' ] . exp ( ) >= 6 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var traitsMod = function ( ) {
var val = 0 ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Kicking The Beast' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( 'Yowling' ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Where There's A Whip, There's A Way" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Charging Blindly" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Cry Of Doom" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Unrelenting Savagery" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Humility" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Life Is Death" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Pain Life" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Intense Hatred" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Silent Hatred" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Savage Consequences" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Unrelenting Hatred" ) )
val ++ ;
if ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Naked Hatred" ) )
val ++ ;
return val ;
result . push (
{ question : "Was the character ever horribly wounded?" , math _label : "(+1 Hatred)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Hatred for each 1 rolled on the Brutal Life table." , computed : true , compute : brutalMod } ,
{ question : "Has the character been tortured?" , math _label : "(+1 Hatred)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character ever been a slave to another?" , math _label : "(+1 Hatred)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character ever killed his superior or parents?" , math _label : "(+1 Hatred)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Has the character ever attempted to command a unit of goblins in battle?" , math _label : "(+1 Hatred)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "+1 Hatred if the character's Will is 2 or lower" , computed : true , compute : willMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Hatred if the character's Steel is 5 or higher" , computed : true , compute : steelMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Hatred if the character's Perception is 6 or higher" , computed : true , compute : percMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Hatred for each of several hatred-related traits" , computed : true , compute : traitsMod }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Faith" )
result . push (
{ question : "Is God who you trust the most?" , math _label : "(+1 Faith)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "When in danger, do you consult God for aid?" , math _label : "(+1 Faith)" , modifier : 1 } ,
{ question : "Is it only through God that you best serve your allies?" , math _label : "(+1 Faith)" , modifier : 1 }
) ;
else if ( attribute == "Ancestral Taint" )
var skills = $scope . allSelectedSkills ( ) ;
var primalBarkMod = function ( ) {
return ( "Primal Bark" in skills ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var ancestralJawMod = function ( ) {
return ( "Ancestral Jaw" in skills ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var grandfathersSongMod = function ( ) {
return ( "Grandfather's Song" in skills ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var stinkOfAncientsMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Stink Of The Ancient" ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
var spiritNoseMod = function ( ) {
return ( $scope . hasTrait ( "Spirit Nose" ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
result . push (
{ question : "+1 Ancestral Taint if the character has the Primal Bark skill" , computed : true , compute : primalBarkMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Ancestral Taint if the character has the Ancestral Jaw skill" , computed : true , compute : ancestralJawMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Ancestral Taint if the character has the Grandfather's Song skill" , computed : true , compute : grandfathersSongMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Ancestral Taint if the character has the Stink Of The Ancients trait" , computed : true , compute : stinkOfAncientsMod } ,
{ question : "+1 Ancestral Taint if the character has the Spirit Nose trait" , computed : true , compute : spiritNoseMod }
) ;
else {
//console.log("Error: attribute "+attribute+" doesn't have any modifying questions");
return null ;
return result ;
function convertAttributeModifierQuestionResultsForSave ( $scope ) {
// Save only the non-computed questions that were answered.
var result = { } ;
for ( key in $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults ) {
var list = [ ] ;
var questions = $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults [ key ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < questions . length ; i ++ ) {
var q = questions [ i ] ;
if ( ( "answer" in q ) && ( ! q . computed ) ) {
list . push ( { question : q . question , answer : q . answer } ) ;
result [ key ] = list ;
return result ;
function convertAttributeModifierQuestionResultsForCharsheet ( $scope ) {
// Save only the non-computed questions, and generate the questions for all attributes.
var result = { } ;
var questions = $scope . attributeModifierQuestionResults ;
// Generate the full set of questions for each attribute the user actually has.
var attributeNames = $scope . attributeNames ( ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < attributeNames . length ; j ++ ) {
var attribute = attributeNames [ j ] ;
var fullQuestions = attributeModifyingQuestions ( $scope , attribute )
if ( ! fullQuestions ) {
// Not an attribute with questions
continue ;
var answerHash = { } ;
var answers = questions [ attribute ] ;
if ( answers ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < answers . length ; i ++ ) {
answerHash [ answers [ i ] . question ] = answers [ i ] . answer ;
var resultQuestions = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < fullQuestions . length ; i ++ ) {
var q = fullQuestions [ i ] ;
if ( q . computed )
continue ;
if ( q . question in answerHash ) {
q . answer = answerHash [ q . question ] ;
resultQuestions . push ( q ) ;
result [ attribute ] = resultQuestions ;
return result ;
function loadAttributeModifierQuestionResultsFromSave ( $scope , questions )
var result = { } ;
// For each attribute for which questions were saved, generate the
// full set of questions, then add in the answers from the save.
// The reason we do this rather than save all questions and answers
// is 1) to save space, and 2) because we can't save the compute function
// to the server, so it needs to be added on load anyhow.
for ( attribute in questions ) {
var fullQuestions = attributeModifyingQuestions ( $scope , attribute )
var answers = questions [ attribute ] ;
var answerHash = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < answers . length ; i ++ ) {
answerHash [ answers [ i ] . question ] = answers [ i ] . answer ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < fullQuestions . length ; i ++ ) {
var q = fullQuestions [ i ] ;
if ( q . question in answerHash ) {
q . answer = answerHash [ q . question ] ;
result [ attribute ] = fullQuestions ;
return result ;
/ * *
A number of skills are not defined because they are a specific instance of a general skill ; for example
ancient history is a type of history , and has the same roots . This function returns the parent skill for
a specific skill .
* /
function getGeneralSkillNameFor ( skillName ) {
if ( endsWith ( skillName , "History" ) )
return "History" ;
else if ( endsWith ( skillName , "Doctrine" ) )
return "Doctrine" ;
else if ( endsWith ( skillName , "Ritual" ) )
return "Ritual" ;
else if ( skillName == "Flute" || skillName == "Drum" || skillName == "Lyre" )
return "Musical Instrument" ;
else if ( endsWith ( skillName , "Husbandry" ) )
return "Animal Husbandry" ;
return skillName ;
// Given n stat names, average the stats taking into account shade. Return the resulting [shade, exp] tuple.
var computeStatAverage = function ( statsByName , statNames ) {
var sum = 0 ;
var shade = 'B' ;
var allGray = true ;
var stats = [ ] ;
var getShade = function ( stat ) {
var s = stat . shade ;
if ( ! s ) {
s = stat . calcshade ( ) ;
return s ;
if ( statNames . length == 1 ) {
var stat = statsByName [ statNames [ 0 ] ] ;
return [ getShade ( stat ) , stat . exp ( ) ] ;
// Convert names to actual DisplayStat structs.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < statNames . length ; i ++ ) {
stats [ i ] = statsByName [ statNames [ i ] ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < stats . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( getShade ( stats [ i ] ) == 'B' ) {
allGray = false ;
break ;
if ( allGray )
shade = 'G' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < stats . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( getShade ( stats [ i ] ) == 'G' && ! allGray ) {
sum += 2 ;
sum += stats [ i ] . exp ( ) ;
var exp = Math . floor ( sum / stats . length ) ;
return [ shade , exp ] ;
function calculateItemsFromList ( resources , type ) {
var rc = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < resources . length ; i ++ ) {
var resource = resources [ i ] ;
if ( ! resource . type || resource . type == type ) {
if ( resource . resources ) {
rc . push ( { "displayName" : resource . name + "..." , "name" : resource . name , "resources" : calculateItemsFromList ( resource . resources ) } ) ;
rc . push ( { "displayName" : resource . name + " (" + resource . rp + " rps)" , "name" : resource . name , "cost" : resource . rp } ) ;
return rc ;
function calculateHierarchyListForSelect ( $scope , burningData , type ) {
var rc = [ ] ;
var resources = burningData . resources [ $scope . stock ] ;
if ( ! resources )
resources = [ ] ;
return calculateItemsFromList ( resources , type ) ;
function calculateGearSelectionLists ( $scope , burningData ) {
$scope . currentSelectListGear = [ ] ;
$scope . gearListForSelect = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ )
$scope . currentSelectListGear . push ( { } ) ;
$scope . gearListForSelect [ 0 ] = calculateHierarchyListForSelect ( $scope , burningData , 'gear' ) ;
if ( $scope . gearListForSelect [ 0 ] . length > 0 )
$scope . currentSelectListGear [ 0 ] = $scope . gearListForSelect [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
$scope . calculateHierarchyListForSelectN ( $scope . gearListForSelect , $scope . currentSelectListGear , 1 ) ;
function calculatePropertySelectionLists ( $scope , burningData ) {
$scope . currentSelectListProperty = [ ] ;
$scope . propertyListForSelect = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ )
$scope . currentSelectListProperty . push ( { } ) ;
$scope . propertyListForSelect [ 0 ] = calculateHierarchyListForSelect ( $scope , burningData , 'property' ) ;
if ( $scope . propertyListForSelect [ 0 ] . length > 0 )
$scope . currentSelectListProperty [ 0 ] = $scope . propertyListForSelect [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
$scope . calculateHierarchyListForSelectN ( $scope . propertyListForSelect , $scope . currentSelectListProperty , 1 ) ;
function populateUiFieldsFromDisplayResource ( $scope , type , resource ) {
if ( type == 'relationship' ) {
$scope . currentRelationshipDesc = resource . desc ;
$scope . currentRelationshipImportance = resource . importance ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsImmedFam = resource . isImmedFam ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsOtherFam = resource . isOtherFam ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsRomantic = resource . isRomantic ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsForbidden = resource . isForbidden ;
$scope . currentRelationshipIsHateful = resource . isHateful ;
else if ( type == 'gear' ) {
$scope . currentGearCost = resource . cost ;
$scope . currentGearDesc = resource . desc ;
else if ( type == 'property' ) {
$scope . currentPropertyCost = resource . cost ;
$scope . currentPropertyDesc = resource . desc ;
else if ( type == 'affiliation' ) {
$scope . currentAffiliationDesc = resource . desc ;
$scope . currentAffiliationImportance = resource . importance ;
else if ( type == 'reputation' ) {
$scope . currentReputationDesc = resource . desc ;
$scope . currentReputationImportance = resource . importance ;